
Waking up with Venus in Aries
Welcome to the Essential Astrocast.
I am your host, Veronica Peretti,
and this is the podcast you listen
to when you want to know what's going
on up in the heavens so that you can
dictate your fate down here on earth.
So I am so happy to be with you.
I am recording this on
Thursday, February 6th.
It has been a wild week.
And while I generally try to get
this out to you early in the week
this week it wasn't happening.
And thanks to my friend, Michelle Mazur.
She's a wonderful marketing and
communication maven strategist in
her group called Expert Up Club.
Check it out if you are a business owner.
She talks about having different
energies with how you show up in your
business and she uses the Muppets.
And I am embracing my animal energy.
I'm embracing that animal
energy of showing up when I.
Feel inspired and motivated and
feel like I have something to
share with you that will be useful.
And I think I mentioned this last
week, but I will mention it again.
With everything going on in the world,
it's really, really hard to show up here,
record and say something that I think
will be inspiring, helpful, soothing,
and, you know, Help you feel like you
are in a position to dictate your feet.
And so when I am feeling unsettled, it
is really hard for me to show up here
and give you what I want to give you and
you deserve to get from this podcast.
So I am here now that I am feeling much
more in alignment with my own energy,
much more grounded, much more settled,
and feel my nervous system is regulated.
So what's been happening this week?
It's been wild.
And one of the reasons it's
been wild is that we had some
really tough energy on Monday.
So I'm going to back up even before
Monday, just to remind you that on
Sunday we had Imbolc or Groundhog's Day.
So we are officially halfway to spring.
So the rebirth is coming.
It's figuratively, literally,
metaphorically in all the ways.
Jupiter also stationed to go
direct on Tuesday, February
4th, which is delightful.
So everything feels bigger and
amplified when Jupiter is stationing.
So everything feels big.
Everything feels over the top right
now because Jupiter was stationing on
Tuesday and we were feeling that energy
about five days before and we are
continuing to feel it for about five days.
But the thing that was really
tough was that on Monday, February
3rd, we had Mars Square Chiron.
So Chiron is the wounded healer.
It often points us toward our core wound.
It pokes, you know, when something
touches Chiron, it pokes.
And so Mars square Chiron
was a poke at the wound.
And you know, when someone pokes
at your wound or put salt in your
wounds, like it doesn't feel good.
It makes it pretty unhappy.
So that's what was happening energetically
in the sky on Monday and Tuesday.
And really over last weekend,
because we were feeling it sometimes
with Mars transits, we actually
feel them before they happen.
So, you know, it was intense early in
this week and over the weekends, we had
this whole situation happening with this,
what I will call a hostile takeover of
the government by a private citizen,
Elon Musk, who is basically given.
The reigns of the government without
any accountability or oversight.
So, you know, it's one of those
moments in our history where it's
really hard to separate the politics
from from the astrology, right?
Like, we're seeing the astrology
play out in front of our
eyes, so I can't ignore that.
So I'm going to share that
here when it is useful.
And this is a moment where
people are freaking out.
You know, we had our cosmic
conversation on Monday.
So every other Monday now I'm hosting
cosmic conversation, which is free.
Feel free to sign up.
I will link up.
The link to save your seat
in the show notes below.
The next one will be February 17th,
which is actually president's day.
And it's at 5 p.
Eastern time.
It's a great way to tune into the
astrology and check in and then ground
your energy as you move into the week.
But this week it was a little
wacky because we were all so.
Spun out by what was going on in the news.
So we were all going along for that ride.
We were all feeling irritated and agitated
and poked and prodded and provoked
by what we were seeing in the news.
So that was, you know, the energy
of the early part of the week.
And then on Tuesday Not only did
Jupiter station to go direct,
but Venus entered Aries and you
might have noticed All this week.
Everybody's been saying where the
Democrats what are they doing?
They need to show up.
They need to be more effective
They need to be louder.
They need to be angrier And then all
of a sudden on Wednesday, February
5th, people started to wake up people.
There was a big showing of protests
around the country yesterday on Wednesday.
And I think that was because we felt that
ingress of Venus enter Aries on Tuesday.
And then on Wednesday, we had
the moon join with Uranus and
Uranus is currently in Taurus.
And when the moon, the moon rules
how we feel, it rules our mood.
So the moon touches Uranus and
that makes us wake up because
Uranus is the planet of waking up.
Uranus is the planet of shaking us awake,
encouraging us to have the breakthrough.
It's always going to be seeking out
freedom and liberation at all costs.
So the moon joins Uranus and everybody
starts to wake up yesterday and we
saw those protests across the country.
And we saw there was a 30
hour filibuster in the Senate.
There were a lot of actions
being taken yesterday.
And we're going to see more action
now from the opposition, the Democrats
and people in this country that are
not interested in having you know,
this Grasp or grabbing or overreach
of power from the executive branch.
We're going to see that opposition
rise up because Venus has entered
Aries and remember, or you may
not remember, but I'm gonna share
with you that in ancient times.
Venus was not only looked at as love
and beauty and relationships and rest
and rejuvenation and enjoying a nice
meal Venus was seen as all of those
things in one capacity, but also
she was considered a planet of war.
So if you were going to war
with another country you know.
You would look to what's Venus doing?
Not only what's Mars doing,
but what's Venus doing?
So, Venus is our, how we
relate to one another.
So, of course, yes, she is all the beauty.
All the love, but sometimes the
way we relate to each other is
really ugly and that's Venus too.
So Venus is now in Aries welcome.
And not only is she in Aries but
she's in her pre retrograde shadow.
So she is going to retrograde in
March, so she will come back and
revisit these early degrees of Aries
as well as go back into Pisces and
revisit the late degrees of Pisces.
But what's interesting about Venus
in Aries is that she's a fighter.
When she gets into Aries, you know what?
She doesn't have all her tools.
She is in what some call exile.
Because she rules the opposite sign of
Libra and in Libra, Venus wants fairness.
She wants equality.
She wants everyone to get an equal
slice of pie, but when she is in
Aries, she does not have those tools.
She is not mired in looking for justice.
She is looking to get hers.
She is looking for a fight.
And she is looking to stand up
for what's important to her.
So what's important to you and
what's important to someone
else are going to be different.
And that means there's going to be a lot
of fighting going on with Venus and Aries.
On the good side, guess what?
There is a fight to be had and we
need people to show up with some fire.
And Venus and Aries is
going to give us that fire.
So if you felt like a little
rumbling in your belly, a little
fire getting lit since Tuesday,
well, that could be Venus and Aries.
So that's what's been going on this
week, just to clue you in and I'll
talk to you about what's coming.
So luckily the moon is now in Taurus.
Or no, it was in Taurus.
And now the moon is in Gemini.
And the moon in Gemini can make us
feel a little bit scattered sometimes.
But I like it because the moon in Gemini
is tuning us into that Jupiter energy.
And Jupiter has just stationed on Tuesday.
So we're really feeling
into that Jupiter energy.
And Jupiter reminds us to It reminds us
to have faith, it reminds us to learn,
it reminds us to to amplify and expand.
And so while Jupiter in Gemini
is not my favorite, and it's been
really tough, and it has certainly
proliferated misinformation and
disinformation through the collective.
I think that these, the
communication that's going on
now, we're going to get it out.
It's a good time to
get out communications.
It's one of the reasons I'm
recording the podcast today.
It's like, okay, Jupiter, the
moon is coming to Jupiter.
We have an opportunity to express
ourselves and get it out there.
And it's in a wide trine.
To the sun and Mercury in Aquarius
and the sun and Mercury are joining
together their exact Kazemi, what we
call a Kazemi, the conjunction when they
come perfectly together is a Kazemi.
It means that the planet enters the
heart of the sun and is purified and
there's a moment of absolute clarity.
We are gearing up for that.
That is coming on Sunday.
So I really like the
latter part of this week.
Because I think today, on Thursday,
with the moon activating Jupiter and
then having that same, also trining
the sun, Mercury It is going to help
us start to communicate, to express
ourselves, to get the message out.
So I think one of the things that people
are really frustrated about is they don't
feel like they have marching orders.
They don't feel like they know what to do.
And when we don't have action to
take, we feel helpless and hopeless.
Luckily the moon coming to Jupiter
and moon and Jupiter in a wide trine
to Sun, Mercury, and Aquarius, all of
that air working together Gives us an
opportunity to lean into communicating
those marching orders So two of the
people that I recommend following
for that Are AOC, you can find her
on Instagram and YouTube You can sign
up for her newsletter, which I do.
I really appreciate her words Even
if you're not necessarily Bought
into her policies completely.
I think she's one of the few
people out there that's really
showing up as a leader and.
Being really clear about the action items.
What actions can you take in this moment?
So I do recommend following her.
And then I recommend
following EmilyInYourPhone.
She's on Instagram, at EmilyInYourPhone.
She's also on Substack.
And I love following her because
she also gives you action items.
And I think one of the worst things that
we all can be doing right now is staying
plugged into the news all day long.
Because that is completely frying
our nervous systems and continuing
to keep us in that state of
helplessness and hopelessness.
So step away, put on some music.
Yesterday, I, my nervous
system was fried on Tuesday.
So I knew I had to shift.
And so, on Wednesday morning, Instead
of turning on the headlines that I
listen to while I'm making the coffee
and feeding the cats, I put on music.
So put on music.
Music is so soothing.
It is so helpful for allowing
our brains to take a break.
It's so helpful for
cultivating creative ideas.
It's so helpful for bringing
us back to the present moment.
I think music is probably
the most powerful of all the
arts, in my personal opinion.
And it's one of the most
Piscean of the arts.
And we're moving into Pisces season soon.
So I'm not going to
get too much into that.
But I wanted to say, like,
music is really useful.
Particularly in Pisces season.
Speaking of Pisces.
One of the reasons things feel So Foggy,
and it's literally so foggy Around
my house right now, and I always feel
like when there's Neptune transits.
I literally see fog We have the North
Node conjunct Neptune today And the next
day or so But we've been feeling that all
week so the North Node Newly is in Pisces.
It was in Aries, now it's in Pisces.
The nodes travel backwards to the zodiac.
So the south node is in Virgo,
north node is in Pisces, north
node is conjunct Neptune today.
Neptune creates fog.
Neptune creates illusion, delusions.
It is a source of fantasy.
And it encourages us to escape reality.
One of the things associated
with Neptune is music.
Because it helps us do those things.
And that can be a really healthy thing.
And there are going to be moments
where you need that escape right now.
And I encourage you to use those tools
that help you escape in a healthy manner.
Because that escape from what's
going on around us actually helps
you go deeper within and connect
to your truest, highest, deepest
experience of yourself, your intuition.
And when we tune into that
place, which is never changing,
always there, we experience calm.
We experience ease, we experience
peace, and that's the essence
of yoga and meditation.
And that's why those things are associated
with the, with the subconscious and hence
associated with Neptune, in my opinion.
So Neptune is in Pisces and has
been for like 13 years or something.
It's going to be moving soon.
This is the year that Neptune will
move into Aries, and that will be
Very big and very intense, but a
conversation for another day that
is in my 2025 year ahead workshop.
So if you haven't already purchased that
on my website, you can go to my website
and on the astrology page, you can
purchase the 2025 year ahead workshop.
And I talk all about a lot about Saturn
and Neptune being co present in Pisces and
then moving together into Aries this year.
And that's going to be a big,
big shift that is coming.
So just like Venus just went into
Aries, those two planets will go
into Aries, which is much more
notable because they much, they
move much slower around the Zodiac.
And it is something that we'll dip
into deeply throughout the year.
But just know that fire in your belly
that you may have felt over the past day
or so, we're going to have that fire.
There's going to be a lot of fire coming.
So I know it's frustrating
when you feel like I'm stuck.
I'm in the fog.
I don't know what to do.
I feel helpless.
I need action.
It's the king of action.
We're going to have a lot
of action to take this year.
So give yourself grace and do the
things that you know you need to
do like rest and repair so that
you can be ready to take the action
when it's your time to take action.
Something else I wanted to mention
this week is that We often feel so
reactive because we live in a very
instant gratification oriented culture.
But there is a time for each
of us to take action, right?
So, there are going to be
moments where you're resting,
and I like the idea of a choir.
And this is not something
I came up with myself.
Michael Moore shared this back in 2017.
In, you know, the first go round of
this madness and Michael Moore in, on
the time I was on Facebook, I'm not on
their Facebook anymore, but he shared
on Facebook that we're in a chorus and
there are going to be days where you're
singing really loud and there are going
to be days where you're probably just
mouthing the words and resting your voice.
So Rest your voice if this is
your moment to rest so that you
are prepared to sing really loud
when someone else needs to rest.
So just keep that in mind as we go through
the next few weeks, few years, etc.
Okay, there are going to be moments
for rest and moments for action.
And only you know when it's
your moment for action and
when it's your moment for rest.
Okay, so things feel really foggy
and uncertain and unsettled because
the North Node is conjunct Neptune,
and for the past week we had
Venus conjunct those planets too.
So if you just felt like, I don't
know what to do, and I don't know
what's important to me anymore, and
I'm just so overwhelmed, well, hello.
That is Neptune to a T.
So we experienced that and now we
are still in that a little bit,
but we thankfully have Venus and
Aries and the Mercury Kazemi coming.
And those things are kind of waking
us up and giving us a sense of
direction again, which is helpful.
So the other thing that I really
like coming this week is that
on Friday the 7th we have.
Venus, sextile, Pluto.
So sextiles are collaborative aspects.
That means the planets are
working together and they
know how to help each other.
Venus is of course associated with
all those things that I mentioned,
you know, relationships, beauty.
Art, et cetera, but also our
values, what's important to us
what we're willing to fight for,
especially when she's an Aries.
So she's going to be in a sextile to
Pluto and Aquarius, and I've been talking
about Pluto and Aquarius for a long
time, but just to remind you, we are in
a new 20 year era of Pluto and Aquarius.
We are in a new Aquarian era.
None of us have been on this planet
with Pluto and Aquarius before.
Other than the past two years
when it dipped in, dipped
out, dipped in, dipped out.
Okay, so now he's here.
So Pluto in Aquarius is
destroying the, a lot of
the infrastructure we know
for the sake of rebirth.
And we, in my opinion, are all here to be
part of whatever that rebirth is, right?
So we all have a part to play.
We all have a Dharma.
We all have a purpose being
on the planet at this moment.
And Venus working with Pluto helps us
be strategic about playing our part and
about being aware of the powers that be.
How power might be controlled or utilized.
These are things that
Pluto is associated with.
So when Venus and Pluto work
together, it helps us strategize.
So you're strategizing for the sake of
your values, whatever they are, and they
can be different than someone else's.
Remember, we're all experiencing this
astrology, but because you're here
listening to this podcast, it means
that you're utilizing the energy.
You're not just mindlessly and
unconsciously moving through the world
and throwing spaghetti at the wall.
You are mindfully and consciously choosing
to utilize the energy in a particular way,
directing it in a particular direction.
So strategize on Friday.
This is great for cultivating community.
And one of the things that
we keep coming back to.
With all the smart people that
I'm following, everyone is
saying cultivating community.
And cultivating community does
not have to mean you are gathering
together to get out the vote.
You can cultivate community by having
a girls night with your neighbors.
That's what I'm doing on Friday.
Just really fortifying those bonds
so that those people are there for
you and you are there for them.
Because we see what's happening.
There is a, a
desire to destroy the social
safety net that we have.
So we have to do the job of fortifying
those, those bonds in our communities.
Okay, so on Saturday,
the sun will sextile.
So that is going to help us with
fortifying those connections
and experiencing some healing.
And God knows we need some healing.
So if you have an opportunity on
Saturday to do something healing, take
a rest, put away the phone, go for a
walk in nature, whatever it is that
heals you, lean into that on Saturday.
We will also have, because The
Sun and Mercury are so close
together, preparing for that
conjunction, that Kazemi on Sunday.
They're both going to
sextile Chiron on Saturday.
So really, really, really important this
weekend to give yourself space and time
to do the things that feel healing to you.
And then Sunday we'll have that Kazemi.
We'll have that Clear, that clarity,
that clarification, that purification
of Mercury, our planet of how we
understand things, how we see the
world, how we express ourselves.
So that is going to be powerful,
especially because it's in
Aquarius, Aquarius is an air sign.
Aquarius is the sign of taking
in the picture from Overhead.
Seeing the whole thing.
Seeing how all the parts
are working together.
So we are in Aquarius season.
The sun is there.
Mercury is there.
It is helping us gather all the
information and see the big picture.
It's not getting mired in the details.
It's about taking the view from above.
So let's all take the view from above
and not necessarily get sucked down
every single rabbit hole that someone
else is trying to suck us down.
Really being aware of how you
are directing your attention.
What's also exciting is that this sun
Mercury conjunction means that both the
sun and Mercury are squaring Uranus.
So that is something that is
going to perfect next week.
But we are being called to wake up.
So my, my theme for this podcast
basically today is that we
are being called to wake up.
This is a, this, I know it's felt really
frustrating and we've all felt really
bogged down, but we're waking up now.
So be aware that you are waking up.
How do you want to direct that energy?
On Sunday, we also have Mars in cancer.
So remember we haven't even
talked about it this podcast,
but we've talked about it.
It's on lately.
Mars is retrograde.
So Mars has been retrograde
for like two months already.
It's feels like the longest retrograde.
Mars is retrograde in cancer right now.
He will go direct, he'll
station direct on February 23rd.
So it is coming, thank God.
And then it'll take quite some
time for him to get back to his
normal speed of forward motion.
And remember, we will have Venus going
retrograde in March, but Venus retrograde
is very different than Mars retrograde.
I think Mars retrograde is much
more frustrating in terms of
our energy, our motivation, our
drive, our sense of purpose.
Venus retrograde is much more about really
like having that internal experience
of assessing what's important to us.
And what do we really care about?
What do we love?
How do we love and how
do we want to be loved?
Those are the things that Venus
implores us to think about.
So, it'll be a little
bit of a different vibe.
But all of that is to just give you
a little inkling of what's coming up.
So, Mars is still retrograde.
He is in cancer.
He's passive aggressive, you know?
Although, frankly, with what's
going on in the world, you would
think he's aggressive aggressive.
And that's because he's out of bounds.
Actually, let me check.
Is he still out of bounds?
I believe he is.
I think he's going to be
out of bounds till May.
Indeed he is.
So, Mars Out of Bounds is one
of the reasons that all this
stuff feels crazy right now.
Because Mars Out of Bounds
is like, completely unruly.
And that is The experiencing we
have, the experience we're having is
that just everything feels unruly.
There are no rules anymore, and
thank you Mars outta bounds,
retrograde, and cancer for that one.
Okay, so that is what's going on
this week that Mars retrograde
is going to trying SA on Sunday.
My hope is that Saturn helps
reel in some of that energy.
I don't know if that's gonna happen.
I think we're gonna have to lean into
it, but I do think what you're working
on, what you're waking up to, is going
to have some stabilizing energy from
Saturn, or at least that's my hope,
because when Saturn and Mars get
together, Saturn likes to pump the brakes.
It is a trine, so we have to lean into it.
It's not gonna knock down our door.
It's not going to make itself break.
Really present we're gonna have to lean
into it But we have the opportunity to
lean into Saturn's stabilizing energy
on Sunday Then on Monday, February
10th, we have Mercury square Uranus
and then Tuesday, the 11th, the sun
square Uranus, and really all of
that is happening at the same time.
You're not going to feel the
difference between Monday and Tuesday.
You're going to feel them both pretty
much through the weekend into early
next week, but that sun Mercury Kazemi.
That those two planets coming
together and squaring Uranus early
next week will feel like a wake up.
It might feel like an
electrification of new energy.
I'm really hoping that
that's what it feels like.
We all need it.
And that's it.
That's what I got for you this week.
Next week, we will have a
full moon in Leo on Wednesday.
I hope to be back here to
talk about it before then.
That full moon will Have
this square to Uranus in it.
So that's part of the electrification
energy that we're going to
feel with that full moon.
So early next week, know that people
are going to be a little emotional.
That full moon in Leo with that square to
Uranus, people are going to be emotional.
People might be a little over the top.
Mars is out of bounds.
So everything feels over
the top, but guess what?
What's going on in the world
deserves an over the top reaction.
That seems normal to me.
For you, make sure that you are doing what
you need to do to take care of yourself.
I am going to say that every single week.
You need to do that, what it is that
you need to do to take care of yourself.
Eating your meals, drinking your
water, moving your body, making time
for meditation, if that's part of your
practice, sleeping enough at night.
These are the basic things, but
you need to really be focusing
on the basic things right now.
The basic self care is imperative,
so that we can all get through
this and keep our heads about us.
I have Cosmic yoga club is open right now.
If you are interested in having my
support and being in a community of
like minded women practicing yoga tuning
into the movement of the planets It's a
great way to take care of yourself and
to make sure that you're showing up and
you're tending to your body and your
breath and taking at least an hour three
times a week to In the present moment.
So I would love to have
you in cosmic yoga club.
If you're not sure if it's right
for you, you can go to my website.
And go to veronicapredi.
com slash yoga and learn a
little bit more about it.
And of course, you can always reach
out to me if you have questions.
I do have a few one on one
reading spots available.
So if you're interested in an astrology
chart consultation, just make sure
that you are on my email list.
If you're not on my email
list, you can go to my website.
And on the front page of my website,
you can opt in to my email community
and you will get the link for my
one on one sessions, if that's
something that you are interested in.
And don't forget to sign up for
the next Cosmic Conversation.
That is It is an opportunity to come
together to talk about astrology to
talk about the energy, what's going on.
We do a little grounding meditation
and a journal prompt at the end so
that you can just go into your week
feeling aligned with the energy
that you want to be aligned with.
So you can sign up for that on
my website under the events page.
And the next one will be February
17th, Monday the 17th at 5 p.
Eastern Time.
And that's everything.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
Let's end with a deep breath
because we all need it.
So just take a moment.
Either eyes open or closed.
If you're driving, of
course, keep them open.
just feel your breath as you inhale.
Belly, ribs, and chest inflating.
And as you exhale, let your chest,
your ribs and your belly relax.
And let's do it once more.
As you inhale, feel your belly, your
ribs and your chest inflate and expand.
And as you exhale, let your
chest, your ribs, and your belly.
Have a wonderful few days take care
of yourself and I'll talk to you soon.