The chaos is real. With Mars retrograde and out of bounds, things feel unruly. The glimmer comes from the New Moon in Aquarius, our first conjunct Pluto (albeit a wide conjunction). This is the beginning of a new Lunar Year, the year of the wood snake. An opportunity for shedding our old skins and making ourselves open and available for the slow, steady, and sustainable transformation associated with snake years.
This New Moon is an opportunity to take stock of how you are supporting and being supported by your community. Get to work on cultivating and fortifying your local connections. In this week's episode, I mention this Ted Talk, "It Takes a Village: How Community is the Antidote to Despair."
Most importantly, when things feel unsettled (and they do since Uranus is stationing direct) you must prioritize your basic self-care. I'm talking about the basics, eat, sleep, hydrate, and move your body.