
Full Moon in Cancer + Aquarius Season begins
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[00:00:00] Hello, and welcome back to the essential astrocast. I am your host Veronica Perretti and this is the podcast That gives you all the details on what's going on in the heavens, so that you can dictate your fate down here on earth. So, this is actually a really nice week, for the most part, that we are coming upon.
I apologize for my voice, I am getting over a cold, I guess. It was kind of peaked on Saturday, I'm recording this on Monday the 13th, so Getting over a cold, but my voice is still very nasally. So I'm going to try to keep this episode somewhat short today, since you probably do not want to listen to my nasally voice for a very long time.
So here we go. We've got a lot happening this week. This week kicks off with a full moon in cancer. And it wraps up with the sun [00:01:00] entering Aquarius and in between lots to talk about. So as I record this, I am looking at a beautiful vision of the full moon rising in the east. we had the full moon exactly at.
527 p. m. Eastern time tonight at 24 degrees cancer for all of you with cancer placements in your chart. If you've got something on or near 24 cancer or 24 Capricorn or 24 Aries or 24, Libra, then you are feeling this full moon activation. the full moon is in cancer, which is the sign associated with.
The Divine Feminine, the maternal mother archetype. So we have an opportunity to use this full moon, illuminate some of those issues around family, around our relationship to mother, [00:02:00] around our experience of nurturing and feeling nourished. With this particular full moon, the moon is Conjunct Mars retrograde because Mars is retrograde in cancer right now.
And we've talked about that the past last week and in previous episodes. So you probably are familiar with that. But just to Catch you up if you're new here, welcome. Mars is retrograde, and Mars retrograde is one of the most challenging retrogrades we experience because it happens the most infrequently.
It occurs every two years, and when Mars retrogrades, he retrogrades for two months. This particular retrograde started in Leo, and then he made his way back into Cancer, which is where he is now. we are just coming off his Second opposition to Pluto. So this Mars retrograde is really, [00:03:00] marked and its signature is this opposition, this ongoing opposition with Pluto ongoing, meaning that it's happening three times and it's really marking a good swath of the retrograde.
Now that Mars is back in cancer, it's a. Sign that he's not particularly comfortable because Mars really likes to go to war. He likes to fight. He likes to be direct and clear. Cancer might be emotional and feel a lot, but it likes to keep it close to the vest. So Mars likes to really speak how he's feeling and he doesn't really feel like he Has the tools to do that in cancer.
So he's going to be a little passive aggressive He's going to be a little frustrated. He's going to be irritated And this full moon is going to amplify that because full moons always amplify Whatever is going on in our lives because full moons [00:04:00] inevitably bring bring up our emotions, but particularly when it's in a water sign, an emotional sign of cancer, which is associated with water.
Water is symbolic of our emotions, but it's also a symbol of blood, meaning that cancer is associated with our blood or our ancestry and our lineage. So family is going to be probably a big source of, Our own emotional patterns and our own emotional trauma that we carry with us. And we all have some trauma from our family, of course, even if you had the best family and the best upbringing, there's some source of trauma that you're carrying with you.
And so this full moon is going to be illuminating all of that. And you might have an opportunity to shift some of those patterns. So, Pay attention because the shifts can be small. They don't have [00:05:00] to be huge, but this full moon is making a trine and a sextile respectively the sun and the moon. The sun is sextile.
The sun is trining Uranus and the moon is sextiling Uranus, which means that we have an opportunity if we so choose to lean into Uranus and his It's power of shifting things, inviting change, inviting a fresh perspective. So if you want to shift that emotional pattern, if you want to shift that familial pattern, this full moon gives you the opportunity.
but also know that people are going to be feeling a little bit emo because it is a full moon and cancer. But because it is conjunct Mars retrograde, whatever is ruffling your feathers, whatever is irritating you is going to be a little bit more apparent. And when things are [00:06:00] apparent, it makes it possible for us to address them and change them, or at least try to change them.
So I think this full moon gives us an opportunity. Plus, the moon in it's home side of cancer, it's doing what it does best. Right? Full moon in cancer is a moon at home, feeling herself, and something about that just feels right. You know, the full moon in cancer, regardless of the aspects, it's just a great night to Eat some macaroni and cheese, watch your comfort show.
I just recently started, watching old episodes of The West Wing, which is one of my most favorite shows of all time. my top three comfort shows are probably The West Wing. Gilmore Girls and Gossip Girl and maybe Vampire Diaries also. I just recently saw on Max that West Wing is having its 25th [00:07:00] anniversary and many of you know my dread over.
January 20th and what is to come and so it just felt like the perfect time to do a little rewatch of one of my favorite comfort shows and restore my faith in humanity, even if it's fictional It's just been so nice. I was sick this weekend and I needed some comfort I was feeling that desire to be comforted to be nurtured And that's what the West Wing does for me.
So I've been watching old episodes of the West Wing and it's been so nice and just comforting to watch something that feels like home and that is what cancer wants for us. Cancer wants us to feel at home, wants us to feel loved and cherished and adored and taken care of. So do the things that make you feel comforted, that make you feel nourished, that make you feel nurtured.
and be really kind and compassionate to [00:08:00] yourself. With this full moon. Okay. I talked about that a ton and by the time you listen to this, the full moon will have passed, but it's always a good time to comfort and nourish yourself regardless of astrology. So on Tuesday, the 14th, we will have Venus squaring Jupiter, but then later in the week on Sunday, or I'm sorry, on Saturday, Venus will be conjunct Saturn.
So she's already pretty close to Saturn, so we can say that she is conjunct Saturn and squaring Jupiter pretty much for the week. that means that long term commitments are really blessed and probably moving forward at this time, It is a nice time to commit to something long term. Jeremiah and I started our new classes this week, right? So we're starting our new music class and our new swim class. And those are, semi long term. [00:09:00] Commitments, of course, not of the most serious kind, but still a nice week to make some commitments to the rituals and routines that are going to sustain you and nourish you and nurture you because as you might know from last week's podcast, the nodes recently shifted signs.
So we now have the north node in Pisces and the south node in Virgo. So we have a new one and a half year cycle that started last Saturday on the 11th and Virgo is about our rituals and routines. and Pisces is about our muse, our connection to spirit, our connection to our creativity. And I love the Pisces Virgo axis.
I talked about it last week. We'll talk about it more as time goes on. We'll have a year and a half of talking about the nodes and these signs. But all of that is to say that with the South Node newly in Virgo, we're going to be examining our routines and our [00:10:00] rituals and what is supporting us over the next year and a half.
So you might already be thinking that way and you might be already making new commitments this week. here's the thing, Venus conjunct Saturn, it's great for committing to something long term. It's great for taking your relationship seriously. It is not great if you are in a new relationship and you're trying to fast track it into being serious, you know, so take things seriously, but know what to take seriously.
The other thing is, Venus conjunct Saturn, you may be really hard on yourself. So go back to what I just said. Rewind and remember that you want to be compassionate and give yourself grace and nourish and nurture yourself. We are under a full moon and cancer for, you know, this is the time to really take care of yourself.
But sometimes when Venus conjoins Saturn. [00:11:00] We can be hard on ourselves, particularly when it comes to our body image, our perception of our body, how we feel in our body. And right now, you're probably taking in a lot of New Year, New You nonsense going on on Instagram and wherever else. And people telling you to eat this much protein and do that many squat jumps and whatever it is.
And you may or may not know that I, have shared on another podcast about my journey to making peace with my body. And regardless of your philosophy around taking care of your body, With Mars retrograde, this is the time for rest. This is not the time for pushing. This is not the time for getting a PR.
This is not the time for pushing yourself through the workout, even though you're tired. These are not times for that. Particularly with a full moon. Full moons you always want to [00:12:00] be careful anyway, because there's going to be, Just an expansion of emotional energy. But all of that is to say that if you are starting to feel like you're being hard on yourself with this Venus conjunct Saturn, remember that I told you Mars is retrograde, not the time for being hard on yourself.
This is the time for really taking good care of yourself and making sure that you are resting. Repairing and reflecting. those are the things that you've got to be dealing with Mars retrograde. Okay, so we know that we've got all that going on, but Venus squared Jupiter moves things. It makes things happen.
And they're the two benefics. They're the two planets that bring us blessings. So when they're in a square to one another, you might think, oh, well, squares are a hard aspect, right? I don't like squares. Squares are challenging. Well, squares move things forward. They make things [00:13:00] happen. So when we have the two benefics in a square to one another, that means that things are moving.
Things are happening. So this is a good transit to take advantage of this week. If you want to make some things happen, if you want to make some decisions, if you want to commit to some things, it is a really good week to do it. Remember your values because Venus is associated with your values, but it's also associated with your value.
So don't shortchange yourself because Venus conjunct Saturn. Again, you might be feeling a little bit down on yourself, and then you might shortchange yourself. So I want you to lean into that Jupiter, that square to Jupiter, and remember that you are A divine embodiment of the universe. You're made up of the stuff of stars and therefore you should never shortchange yourself.
[00:14:00] Okay, so. Keep reminding yourself. This is a time for healing. This is a time for repairing, not a time to punish yourself. Okay, moving on. So once we get toward the end of the week, we have the sun moving into Aquarius. Before we get there, we have some nice little sextiles happening between Mercury and Saturn and Mercury and Venus because of course Venus and Saturn are together and Saturn and Mercury.
And that means that when Mercury sextiles one, it's sextiling the other. This is lovely and it helps us communicate what we need, how we feel. and so if you are in relationship with someone or a partnership with someone, if you're talking to your boss, if you're talking to your client, it's going to make it easier to communicate what you need and how you're feeling, right?
So those are really. Wonderful things if we lean into them if we use them [00:15:00] because when it comes to astrology Generally with trines and sextiles we need to lean in and use the energy Otherwise things just kind of stay the same with hard aspects like squares and oppositions, generally things are shifting and changing whether or not we consciously use that energy.
so what is going to happen, is that on Wednesday the 15th, we have the sun opposite Mars. The sun is still in Capricorn at that point, opposite Mars now in Cancer retrograding. Then, the sun enters Aquarius on Sunday the 19th. And shortly thereafter, On Tuesday, the 21st, the Sun will conjoin with Pluto.
As I mentioned at the very beginning, Mars and Pluto are in this long term, back and forth, on and off again, opposition to one another, which is what is creating [00:16:00] this general feeling of anger and frustration and rage All of this sort of irritability that has been brewing underneath the surface of the collective, a lot of it is reflecting that Mars opposite Pluto energy.
So, as the Sun moves from opposing Mars and then joining Pluto opposite Mars, we're illuminating this opposition. So while I talked about all of the wonderful things that might be happening with Venus conjunct Saturn square Pluto square Jupiter, we will simultaneously have this illumination of this very tense, very combative energy going on with this opposition of Mars and Cancer opposite Pluto.
So of course [00:17:00] Pluto is an early signs of Aquarius. They had their last exact opposition when Mars was at the early degrees of Leo last week, but they will, They're in orb, even though it's out of sign, they're within orb, which means they're within, they're close enough by degree that we're still feeling it.
And the sun coming through and talking to Mars and then talking to Pluto, it's going to kick it up. So just know that that irritation that has been underlying the surface is going to be illuminated. The sun is going to be shining on it. And some brush ups might happen. They might happen close to the 15th.
They might happen close to the 21st. Or they might happen sometime in between those two dates. Now of course, we have Inauguration Day coming up. On January the 20th, which is [00:18:00] Monday. It's also Martin Luther King day. It is also the day that I'll be hosting my next cosmic conversation. So I hope you join me for that.
You can use the link in the show notes below, or just go to my website, veronicaparetti. com slash events, go to the events page, and you can save your spot for cosmic conversation, which is. My free offering to you. We join on zoom. We gather in community. We talk about astrology. We talk about what's going on in the world We talk about whatever questions you might have about astrology or about yoga or about All of these practices.
it is a wonderful group that comes together. We've been doing it on and off for a few years. And I want to rev it up again. So my intention for the first part of this year is to be hosting it twice a month. It's been about monthly. I really want to commit to it because I know that [00:19:00] going forward into 2025 with all the outer planets changing signs, with all these things happening in the collective, politically, in the news, it is, really going to be important for us to gather in community and talk about these things more often.
So my intention is to have these twice a month. So make sure you keep an eye on my newsletter, on my emails. if you're not in my email community, that is the place that you want to be. You can go to my website. Veronica Perretti dot com, right there on the homepage, you can sign up and then you will know in advance when the Cosmic Conversations are going to be happening and you can sign up and save your seat.
And again, it's free. so I'd love to have you in there. We talk about astrology and then we ground our energy with a short meditation and a little writing. journaling prompt. So it is a really, really wonderful way to just [00:20:00] connect with some like minded people and then connect with yourself. So we'd love to see you there.
We're doing it on the 20th. It was not intentional that it was inauguration day when I chose that date. Truly I chose that date because it was the beginning of Aquarius season. And I just wanted to talk about some of the things that are going to be coming up in Aquarius season. And that was the only reason.
the advantage is that you will not be looking at your phone and you will not be looking at the TV around when the inauguration has been going on. So join me for that. That Mars opposite Pluto energy will be illuminated on Inauguration Day. No shocker there. because of course that energy also played a big part in the election because we've been feeling that opposition since October.
Finally, what else did I want to share? I think that's it. if you are interested in, joining me for Cosmic Conversation, make sure you go sign up for that. Make sure you go sign up for the email newsletter.
And for everyone [00:21:00] in LA and California, I am so sorry and our hearts go out to you. I purposely am not astrologizing this because It is a horrible, horrible, catastrophe, disaster, crisis. we can look at it through the lens of this Mars opposite Pluto. We can look at it through the lens of Uranus and the light degrees of Taurus.
I think right now we really need to just send our support. Our love to the people that have lost everything because not everyone in L. A. is an actor and not everyone in L. A. is a celebrity and certainly most actors do not make a living wage acting, they have to support it with, you know, waiting tables and other jobs.
so sending our love and prayers and [00:22:00] support and donations if we have them to people. that are suffering and just really hoping that everything sort of, you know, Gets under control. It's already on more under control, but continues to get under control this week, and I'm babbling and rambling about it So I'm gonna cut it off there, but I just wanted to mention that in case you are wondering Why am I not mentioning it or talking about it?
I just think Astrologizing some things particularly when they're going on when an event happens and it has occurred then we can talk about it, but the Vast amount of people that are impacted by this and it is still occurring. I just don't feel comfortable getting into it. And frankly, I haven't really even looked into it that much because it just really doesn't matter.
You know, like what's happening is [00:23:00] happening. Astrology is a mirror. It's a cosmic mirror that deepen our relationship with ourselves. So it's not really helpful. to be looking at it from this perspective. What's helpful is looking at the weather and listening to the authorities and all of that. So I am going to wrap it up.
I will hopefully see you in Cosmic Conversation on January 20th and I will talk to you next week. Bye.