
Sagittarius Season + Pluto in Aquarius (for good)
Transcribed using AI, please forgive mistakes.
Veronica Perretti [00:00:00]:
Welcome back to the Essential Astrocast. I am your host, Veronica Peretti. This is where you come to hear what's happening in the heavens so that you can dictate your fate down here on Earth. I am happy to report that Sagittarius season is here. I am recording November 20, 2024. The sun will move into Sagittarius on Thursday the 21st at 2:56pm Eastern Time. So we are, as I'm recording this at the very final degree, 29 degrees of Scorpio, which feels like you're stuck in the mud and need to press up through the muck like the lotus flower and flick off that mud. The lotus has that waxy exterior to the petals because it grows up through the mud.
Veronica Perretti [00:00:58]:
And as it comes up through the mud and it gets to the top of the water, it opens and flicks off all of that muck. And so it kind of feels like at the very end of Scorpio season, we are the lotus flower coming up through the muck of that really thick but fertile soil and flicking off that mud so that we can open up to the sun. That is really how I'm feeling today. When I first was going to record this this morning, the moon was in cancer and I was going to talk about compassion and listening and the moon went into Leo this afternoon and now I'm just feeling like I'm raring a go and have a totally different vibe. So with that, I will say that I appreciate so much the people have reached out about last week's episode. Several people reached out and said that when I spoke about some of the things I spoke about, that it was really calming for them. One of my yoga students said it was the first time she felt like I everything is going to be okay. To be clear, I don't think everything is going to be okay, but I think we are going to be okay because we have each other.
Veronica Perretti [00:02:28]:
We have to support one another, whether it's online or in person. Community is going to be very important for the next 20 years because Pluto is now officially in Aquarius. So, as I said last week, we often feel we fall into the myth of feeling separate. And the truth is that we are all interconnected. If you are sitting here listening to a podcast and you believe that what Mercury is doing is having some sort of impact on your energy and how you feel in your day to day life, then trust and believe that the people, the human beings on this planet with you also have an impact on your energy and your day to day life. So we are all interconnected, whether or not we want to be. I was thinking about compassion and listening. I've been listening to a lot of Tara Brock lately, and if you're not familiar with her, I mentioned her last week and I mentioned her today in Cosmic Conversation, which is my monthly free offering.
Veronica Perretti [00:03:37]:
Every month you can join me and talk about astrology. Then we do a short grounding meditation and a little journaling. Really lovely community of people that shows up for that. The next one is December 11th. It's a Wednesday at 5pm Eastern time. If you want to sign up, it's free. You can go to veronicaporetti.com events and you can sign up for Cosmic Conversation and my New Moon restorative ritual, which I also teach every month. And that one is going to be December 1st at p.m.
Veronica Perretti [00:04:11]:
eastern. So that's on a Sunday that you have to pay for. It is included in membership if you're a member of Cosmic Yoga Club, which of course is a wonderful time to sign up for Cosmic Yoga Club because we are all going to really need to be on top of our self care for the next four years. Self care is not a luxury. It is not a hobby. It is an absolute necessity if you are going to show up and advocate for your community and advocate for yourself. And we're all going to need to be doing a lot of advocating. So with that, I talked a lot about politics and cosmic Conversation today because it's kind of hard not to right now, particularly with the astrology that's going on, because it's really being seen out in the world.
Veronica Perretti [00:05:08]:
I did want to mention that I talked last week about this myth of separateness. The visual I love for that is, you know, we imagine ourselves to be a wave in the ocean, but truthfully, we are the ocean. We are part of this interconnected collective consciousness. For a moment we pop up as one of those waves and we think we're separate of the ocean, but indeed we are not. And that's one of my favorite visuals of this spiritual concept of interconnectedness. I think now more than ever we have to remember that we are all not only part of a collective consciousness, but we're also part of these webs of interconnected people in our communities. And Pluto has entered Aquarius. As I said now, Pluto has dipped into Aquarius the past two years, but he hasn't stayed.
Veronica Perretti [00:06:15]:
It's been a preview, it's been the trailer, but now Pluto is an Aquarius for the next 20 years. He is not visiting Capricorn again. I said In a previous podcast that we had Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn for a really long time, and he was sitting there. One of the reasons that the election went the way it did, in my opinion, you know, Pluto was at 29 degrees. It wasn't going to be a change election because 29 degrees is the final degree of Capricorn. And Capricorn is about holding the tradition, holding the status quo. It is the archetype of the patriarchy. Now, do not be offended.
Veronica Perretti [00:06:58]:
If you are a Capricorn, please understand that there are certain archetypes and themes that we work with, with the signs and the planets. When we're looking at astrology from the perspective of what's going on in the world, mundane astrology, it is not the same as looking at natal astrology, meaning looking at your chart and understanding your own psychology. So. So if you are a Capricorn, do not be offended that those archetypes are associated with your sign or your sun sign. Of course, a lot of people made choices based on fear. And I talked about this last week, this idea that all emotions boil down to love or fear. That is what's underneath them. And a lot of people base their voting on fear.
Veronica Perretti [00:07:50]:
Keeping things the same way is safe to them, even if it's not good. But guess what? Pluto has now entered Aquarius for good for the next 20 years. While Capricorn likes tradition and things to be set in stone, Aquarius likes change. Aquarius is an air sign. It's big thinking. It's the expansion of the mind. It's also emotionally detached, which means that it's able to see what's going on clearly and then make a strategy to understand the parts and how they relate to the whole, to understand how they become the whole, to understand how all of us are interconnected, how we are all the ocean. We're not each individual waves.
Veronica Perretti [00:08:47]:
We are all part of that ocean. That is big picture Aquarian thinking. Aquarius is also very fervent in its convictions, and it's also representative of groups coming together, especially around intellectual ideas, beliefs, or particular thought leaders. A lot of the time, Aquarius is associated with humanitarianism, social activism. It's also associated with rebellions, revolutions. And over the next 20 years, we are going to see our relationship to community shift. We are going to see our relationship to being part of something change. At least in this culture that I'm living in.
Veronica Perretti [00:09:42]:
Meaning in the west, we think of ourselves as individuals. We're each. We have to take care of ourselves and Pluto in Aquarius, is going to probably transform our understanding of relying on our communities. So it's an exciting time. I'm interested to see how it starts to pan out. And this is just the beginning of it. There's a lot more to say about that, and I could go on and on about Pluto, but I do want to share with you the quote that Tara Brock reminded me of when I was listening to her podcast today. That was this morning when the moon was in cancer and I wanted to talk about compassion.
Veronica Perretti [00:10:28]:
Tarbrak reminded me of a quote from Thich Nhat Thawn, which I hope I'm saying that right. And he said, the next Buddha will be a Sangha. Sangha is community. This is the time to reach out to the people in your world that understand you, that you feel seen by, that you feel connected to, that you want to support, and that you feel can support you emotionally, physically, spiritually connecting in terms of thoughts, ideas, values, and beliefs. All of those things are going to be good material to create your communities with over the next 20 years. So that is a little Pluto and Aquarius talk. I have so much more to say about it. I'm gonna put a pin in it for now.
Veronica Perretti [00:11:30]:
We're going to talk about what's going on exactly this week. So it's Sagittarius season. When you're listening to this on, as I said, Thursday the 21st, the sun moves into Sag. And this is exciting because it brings a dose of joy and buoyancy. If Scorpio feels like you are pushing up through the muck, Sagittarius feels like you're kicking back. Bring out the cake, bring out the ice cream. Let's have fun. Let's have a party.
Veronica Perretti [00:12:05]:
Put up the Christmas tree, Get all the lights, all the glitter. More is more for Sagittarius. We all need a little sag in our life. It is the official start of the holidays. Thanksgiving is always the first Thursday after the sun enters sag. So the sun enters sag on a Thursday this year, but the first Thursday after is when we have Thanksgiving. And that's why Thanksgiving is a little late this year. And also I think, because it was a leap year, Thanksgiving is associated with Jupiter.
Veronica Perretti [00:12:43]:
The cornucopia is a symbol of Jupiter's penis because Jupiter was the God of all the gods. He was very fertile, the father to all the gods. Zeus in the Greek pantheon and Jupiter in the Roman pantheon. And we use Roman names in astrology. So Thanksgiving is really a celebration of Jupiter, and we're thanking him for our fertility for the bounty of the harvest. We're thanking him for all the food that he's given us throughout the summer and the fall. And we're putting. If we were hundreds of years ago, we would be putting our potatoes in storage and our apples in storage and preparing for the winter.
Veronica Perretti [00:13:34]:
So that is the original meaning of Thanksgiving, if you will. But this week, right after the sun enters Sagittarius, the sun will also sextile Pluto. So right after the sun enters Sag, we're going to get this activation of Pluto. So we're going to be feeling that Pluto in Aquarius. Right away, we get a little activation of that Pluto and the Sun. Sextiling Pluto means that we're working with identifying our power and the source of our power and working with that and getting comfortable with it, because Pluto is associated with power. Pluto, Pluto is associated with the feeling of being powerful and the feeling of being powerless. So the sun sextiles Pluto, meaning that they're working together.
Veronica Perretti [00:14:31]:
This is a friendly connection. It's a good week to get reacquainted with your own power. And I know a lot of people are feeling powerless right now, but I assure you, you are not powerless. And to take a little sidebar into politics for a moment, you know, I was talking to my chiropractor today, and she said something about the election being a blowout. And I'm like, well, it wasn't a blowout at the end of the day. I think the data I heard yesterday is that Trump won the popular vote by 1.6%. I think it's 1.6%. It might be slightly off, but it's 1 point something.
Veronica Perretti [00:15:16]:
And Joe Biden won it by 4 point something percent. So that's not even close to a blowout. We took on this narrative that happened on election night and made it a truth, right? We didn't get all the data. We didn't get all the details. We didn't wait for the data. We didn't wait for the details. And so a lot of people have been making a lot of assumptions. A lot of people say they know what happened.
Veronica Perretti [00:15:44]:
They figured it out. It's this demographic, it's that message. And we all have to pause. Pluto is now an Aquarius, inspiring us to look at the whole, see all the parts and how they come together. Wait till you have all the data, wait till you have all the information, and then you can try to figure out what the story is. One of the reasons people are really having a lot of arrogance and bravado and being Like, I know what happened and it's this or it's that Mercury is out of bounds and Mercury is out of bounds in Sagittarius. While I love Sagittarius season and I married a Sagittarius, by the way, Sagittarians and Mercury and sages, they like to get up on their soapbox and share their opinions as though they were truth. So we have Mercury not only out of bounds, but out of bounds in Sagittarius.
Veronica Perretti [00:16:49]:
So everyone has an opinion and everyone is sharing that opinion as though it were truth. And you know, you're listening to a podcast where I share my opinion as truth because it's my truth. So just being aware that everyone's a little extra right now, especially when it comes to sharing their viewpoint, everybody's on their own soapbox. My mood really shifted when the Moon entered Leo and I just felt so much better. And I think it's also the. The Moon in Leo was opposite Pluto today. So that was another activation of Pluto newly in Aquarius. I just felt so different.
Veronica Perretti [00:17:31]:
I've been feeling so sad and so much despair and hopelessness. And today the Moon went into Leo, it opposed that Pluto newly in Aquarius. And I was like, no, I have power. You know, the first Donald Trump administration, I was on the phone calling Congress like all the time. Michael Moore used to say, wake up, brush teeth, drink coffee, call Congress. And I would call the White House, I would call Congress, I would call my representatives, I would call other representatives, I would call my senators, I would call other senators. I really comfortable calling people on the phone and telling them what I want them to do. That is a gift of having a Sun Mercury conjunction in Aries.
Veronica Perretti [00:18:23]:
So I realized, you know, someone asked me today on Cosmic Conversation, this is not only a US problem. The world is shifting to the right in so many ways and there's a lot of authoritarian type people coming into power all over the world. I am not an expert in global politics because I read American news which is very American focused. We've had Saturn and Neptune co present in Pisces and that is the sign of sleep. And I thought to myself, wow, when we had the first term of Donald Trump, I was awake. I was calling Congress, protesting, being an active citizen. Democracy only works if we show up and participate in it. As I was talking to my chiropractor today, I had a realization that when Joe Biden became president, thank God, we fell asleep again.
Veronica Perretti [00:19:17]:
We thought, okay, we don't have to worry about it because he's got it. Someone A grownup is in charge again. And we all fell asleep and we were sleepwalking into the situation that we are in now. And now, of course, I know many of you listening are thinking like, well, I wasn't. I was paying attention. I was reading the news. And I totally understand, and I was too. But there are many moments that it was very clear that as a collective, because we are not individuals, that is a myth of separateness.
Veronica Perretti [00:19:46]:
We are an interconnected consciousness. Our collective consciousness was asleep. And by the way, Saturn and Neptune, both in Pisces. Who doesn't want to sleep? Everybody wants to sleep. So today we had that moon in Leo, opposite Pluto in Aquarius. And I was like, oh my God, I'm awake. I called my House representative, my congressman, who happens to be a Republican. I called him about this bill.
Veronica Perretti [00:20:22]:
I said, I want to make sure that he's opposing the bill. We have to wake up, we have to engage, we have to be vigilant again. And that is a bummer. We're all busy, we all have lives, we all have people to take care of. But part of being community, if the Buddha is going to be the Sangha, we have to be vigilant and we have to advocate for one another. So that is me expressing Mercury in Sagittarius and being on my soapbox. But I wanted to share that because as we experience this Pluto in Aquarius and he is activated by these other planets, we can choose to get reacquainted with our power or find our power perhaps for the first time, or we can allow ourselves to feel powerless. And today I was like, oh my gosh, no, I am, I'm awake and I have power.
Veronica Perretti [00:21:26]:
And this is what democracy looks like. It looks like calling, it looks like making your voice heard. So that's my little soapbox of the moment. Moving on. On Friday, we have Venus sex telling Saturn and Venus is in Capricorn and Venus and Mercury are both out of bounds right now. Venus is out of bounds in Capricorn, which means she might be a little persnickety. Mercury's out of bounds in Sagittarius, which I already talked about. So Venus sextiling.
Veronica Perretti [00:21:59]:
Saturn is stabilizing, it's fortifying, it's life affirming. This is great for your relationships. If you are in a relationship. Friday is a nice day to connect, be together, maybe make some long term plans, plan out the vacation for 2025 or plan out the holidays. Being with the people you love and committing to things is going to feel really nourishing. But Venus is out of bounds. So just know that people are a little sensitive with Venus out of bounds. Mercury is going to retrograde next week.
Veronica Perretti [00:22:35]:
So we are in the pre shadow. If you haven't noticed. Mercury is already feeling retrogradey, which makes sense. He's slowing down so that he comes to. It's an optical illusion, but it appears that he comes to a stop and then turns around and goes retrograde. So Mercury retrograde will begin on Monday, November 25, and he will be retrograde until December 15 in Sagittarius. Get ready for more soapbox talking. Get ready for people to be really convinced that they are right.
Veronica Perretti [00:23:11]:
Get ready for lots of long winded storytellers at Thanksgiving dinner and get ready for things to feel kind of crazy. But here's the thing. All the crazy stuff you see in the news right now, all these appointments everyone's freaking out about, Mercury is out of bounds in Sagittarius. This is meant to rile you up. Mercury out of bounds is going to rile people up. This is information that's riling everybody up. So do not get riled up. Take a deep breath.
Veronica Perretti [00:23:47]:
Manage your energy. Because managing your energy is part of what makes you powerful. Not letting someone else manage your energy is one of the most powerful things you can do. In other words, protect your peace, whatever that means for you. And know that Mercury is retrograding. All this is happening underneath the shadow and Mars is in its shadow because Mars is retrograding on December 6th. So all of this is happening with Mercury and Mars preparing to move backwards. Everything that is going on right now, whether it's great, whether it's better than you can ever imagine, whether it's the worst and you cannot believe you're dealing with this, it will all be reviewed, revised, revisited, and it might even be returned to sender because we have Mercury and Mars preparing to retrograde.
Veronica Perretti [00:24:43]:
Mars is the least frequent planet to retrograde. It happens every two years and he retrogrades for two months. So that is going to be an intense. And we will talk about that soon. I'm going to probably do a bonus podcast episode just about Mars retrograde. Please know that we will everything that that's going on right now, from the election through now and even before that, it's going to be revisited. So people that are just so clear that they know what happens and it's this person and it's that person, this message, that demographic, people convinced that all of these appointments are going to go through, people convinced that what they're planning for Thanksgiving dinner is what they're eating for Thanksgiving dinner. All these things can be revised, revisited and reviewed.
Veronica Perretti [00:25:41]:
So whatever you're planning, I want you to feel free to plan it. But just know you want to hold on to it loosely, don't grip it too tight. Because with Mercury retrograde and Mars retrograde, we have to be adaptable to things changing. We have to be prepared for things to look different than we think they're gonna look. I think that's everything I wanted to talk about today. I had a plan for this to be a very short podcast and that clearly did not happen. I would love to hear from you. If you like the longer podcasts when I go closer to half hour, or if you like the shorter ones when it's 15 to 20 minutes, please let me know.
Veronica Perretti [00:26:28]:
You can find me on Instagram if you follow me there. I am private on Instagram. I'm not really doing a lot of Instagram these days and I haven't been since I was pregnant. And of course you can email me veronicaveronicaparetti.com and that's it. That's what I got for you. I hope you are doing well. I hope you are taking care of yourself. Remember the two most important things right now.
Veronica Perretti [00:26:53]:
Self care is non negotiable. It's a must. It's a basic. Right now you need to be taking care of yourself. There is a lot of heavy energy out there. We are about to have these retrogrades. Retrogrades are an invitation to slow down. So slow down, take a deep breath, manage your energy.
Veronica Perretti [00:27:18]:
Because the second thing to take away from this conversation is that managing your energy and not allowing someone else to impact it is the most powerful thing you can do. So I'll talk to you next week. Happy Thanksgiving. If I don't talk to you before then, but I think I will because next week is a pretty big week. Happy holidays. It's Sagittarius season, it's officially the holidays and that means it's time for me to watch Hallmark Christmas movies. All right, I'll talk to you soon. Bye.