EP 183: Scorpio season is here

EP 183: Scorpio season is here

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Veronica Perretti [00:00:00]:
Welcome back to the essential astrocast. I am your host, Veronica Peretti, and this is the podcast where you come to learn about what's going on in the heavens so that you can dictate your fate down here on earth. I am recording this on October 21. We've got two weeks to the election. Things are feeling very heated. We are right now in the midst of a t square in the sky with the sun at the final degree of Libra, 29 degrees. It is squaring Pluto. At the final degree of Capricorn, 29 degrees.

Veronica Perretti [00:00:41]:
Pluto is opposite Mars and the sun is squaring Mars. So the sun is squaring both Pluto and Mars, and Mars and Pluto are opposite one another. And that's what creates a t square. It's a little wide from Mars. Mars is at 24 degrees. Cancer. But close enough that things are feeling really hot. We had the exact square of the sun and Mars last week.

Veronica Perretti [00:01:11]:
But you are still feeling it. I am still feeling it. We're all still feeling it. It was actually a week ago. It was on Monday. I think this t square is pretty intense because everybody just feels like they're running a little bit hot right now. And that also could be because this was part of the full moon story. The full moon was on the 17th.

Veronica Perretti [00:01:34]:
Now we've got the sun squaring Pluto, bringing that Mars back into view. Now the sun is squaring Pluto, and Mars is still part of the story. It's been a hot week. The heat is starting to turn down. If you're feeling really tired, it's probably the aftermath of all that energy with the full moon in Aries, which was super intense. So take a deep breath with me. You got through it. That was an intense week.

Veronica Perretti [00:02:09]:
We all got through it and now we're here. This is going to be an emotional week because we have a grand shrine in water that is coming. So it's about time for me to say welcome to Scorpio season. Now I'm recording this as we are in the very last hours of Libra season. By the time you're listening to this, on Tuesday or later, the sun will be entering Scorpio. So the sun enters Scorpio on Tuesday at 615 pm eastern time. And the entrance of the sun into Scorpio, it's going to come with this grand trine in water, which means that Scorpio season, the next four weeks, the ingress of the season tells us a lot about what that season has in store for us. And the ingress tells us there's going to be a lot of emotion.

Veronica Perretti [00:03:03]:
And that's beautiful because emotion offers an opportunity for deep connection, for empathy, for compassion, for healing. But it also offers an opportunity for self indulgence, brooding, licking our own wounds, being a victim, some things that aren't quite so attractive. So just remember that as we move through Scorpio's season to utilize the emotion and direct it in a positive way, in a useful way. Because the season is starting with this Sun Square Pluto. We've got that t square in the sky because the sun is squaring Pluto, and Mars the Sun Square Pluto is the one that's really activated right now as I speak to you on Monday, the 21 October, the entrance into Scorpio season, that Sun Square Pluto is really felt. And Sun Square Pluto, the sun is our life force. It's our identity, it's our understanding of who we are. And Pluto is control things out of our control things we want to control, things we have power over and places where we feel powerless.

Veronica Perretti [00:04:20]:
So the theme of control issues, power struggles, are probably going to be part of this Scorpio season. Pluto is the modern day ruler or the co ruler of Scorpio, traditional ruler, is Mars. Mars is of course, part of the story. As I already said, Mars is in cancer. One of the reasons that people might be feeling more emotional, less stable is because Mars is in cancer. Mars is our motivation, our drive, our desire, where our ability to go after our desires. And Mars is answering to the moon. When Mars is in cancer, every two to three days, when the moon changes signs, our motivation, our drive, our ability to go after what we want is going to shift with the moon sign as the moon changes signs.

Veronica Perretti [00:05:17]:
So keep that in mind if you've been feeling a little less stable lately, if you've been feeling more moody, it could be because Mars has been in cancer. Unfortunately, we're going to have Mars in cancer for a very long time because even though Mars is nearing the end of cancer, he's going to go into Leo and then retrograde and come back to cancer. I'm going to do a bonus episode just on Mars retrograde, so stay tuned for that. Something I'm excited to share with you is I'm going to try to sprinkle in some bonus episodes over the next few weeks. I know everybody is needing a little bit more support as we near the election and everybody has political questions and not everybody wants to listen to the political stuff, I'm assuming. Mostly I get really great feedback from you, all of you, about the political stuff you really like. That. But I am going to be dropping a bonus episode this week on Kamala Harris's solo return because her birthday was just the other day, so she is a libra.

Veronica Perretti [00:06:30]:
One of the reasons that what's going on for her is going on for her. It's totally in her chart. She's got a lot of planets lighting up her chart that Pluto has been squaring her sun. So we know Kamala's chart is lit up, but this will be a bonus episode to look at her solar return chart. And if you don't know what a solar return is, then tune in. You'll learn all about it. Back to the forecast for this week. There's not a ton of stuff happening, but pretty much everything that's happening is on Tuesday the 22nd, the sun enters Scorpio.

Veronica Perretti [00:07:05]:
Before that happens, Mercury will trine, Saturn, and the sun will square Pluto to give you a little bit more background on that. Whenever we have a planet at 29 degrees, it's what we call a crisis point. We often feel like, if I don't do this thing right now, it'll never happen. Pluto does illuminate or kick up some of our control issues and our desire to be in control and in power. So you might have some stuff cropping up early this week where you're like, if I don't do it now, it'll never get done. And I have to do it because nobody else can do it the way I do it. And I can speak to that because that is my way of being as a person with a lot of cardinal energy. And so that's something to note that this t square is happening in the cardinal signs.

Veronica Perretti [00:08:02]:
So Pluto being in Capricorn, the sun being in Libra, and Mars being in cancer, and those are the signs, along with Aries, my personal sun sign, and rising, and mercury and Mars. I've got a lot of Aries. Those four signs, the cardinal signs, they're the initiators of the zodiac. So if things have felt kind of abrasive the past week or so, it's because we've been having all this action. The full moon created a grand cross in the cardinal signs. When we have these grand crosses or these t squares in the cardinal signs, there is a bossiness in the air. There is a desire to take action, to go after what we want and make it happen. And even if that means pushing some people over, we do it.

Veronica Perretti [00:08:57]:
So if you feel that energy in the world at large, in the collective, in your own relationships, if there's some power struggles, some push pulls. We're seeing that in the skyd. We will also see that in Scorpio season. It just might feel a little more nuanced in Scorpio season because Scorpio is a water sign, while Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto, which are in opposition to one another right now. That indicates to us that Scorpio season might be a little bit of a push pull, a little power struggle. Scorpio generally is a sign that likes to be in control because it's a fixed sign. So we talked about the cardinal sign. They're the initiators.

Veronica Perretti [00:09:43]:
They're the go getters, the fixed signs. Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius are the signs that keep things going. They're the slow burn. They dig their heels in and don't want to change. Scorpio tends to be a sign where when we are in Scorpio season, when we have planets in Scorpio, if we have a lot of Scorpio in our chart, we tend to be in those moments or those people that hold on tight to something, whether it's a grudge, whether it's a tradition, whether it is, you know, that dress or that robe or that book. We just tend to hold on to things. Scorpio is also what I like to call the cosmic compost bin. So it's where we experience transformation.

Veronica Perretti [00:10:32]:
So when we do release, even though that release can be hard and painful, dramatic or traumatic, it also leads to our transformation. It leads to our resilience. It leads to our ability to rise from the ashes. Scorpio season is the season that hosts Halloween, Samhain, the day of the dead. This is the time of year when they say the veil is thin between the material realm and the spirit realm. Pay attention to where you might be seeing signs. Pay attention to any psychic hunches you get. We will have a grand trine in water this week as we enter Scorpio season.

Veronica Perretti [00:11:25]:
You might be feeling emotionally tuned in to other people a little more than normal. You might be feeling a little overwhelmed by other people's emotions. You might feel overwhelmed by your own emotions. You might think, I don't know why I feel this way, but it's because you're picking up other people's emotional energy. So be really good this week in doing whatever your energetic self care exercises are. Taking salt baths is really great. Doing some tapping. One of the things I like to do is to tap my body.

Veronica Perretti [00:11:59]:
Literally tap your entire body. Tap, tap, tap with your hands. No, wrong way to do that. Then swipe away any of that stagnant energy. When we do that exercise of tap tap tapping our whole body, I imagine that all of that energetic debris, all of that stuff that's not mine is getting shaken up to the surface. Then I'm using my hands to swipe that energy away. Make sure you get your hands, make sure you get the bottoms of your feet. And this is just a way that I do it.

Veronica Perretti [00:12:32]:
There's millions of ways to cleanse your energetic field, to cleanse your aura, but this is just a simple way that I do it. I am really into very simple spiritual practices. I'm not into making them fancy. No one needs to climb to the top of the mountain and meditate for 24 hours. Just like super simple things that you can do in your day to day life. If you can't meditate for 20 minutes, meditate for 1 minute. Like, just keep it easy. But that is a really simple way to cleanse your energetic field.

Veronica Perretti [00:13:06]:
There are lots of other ways to do it, but this is a week where you're going to want to have some sort of way that you cleanse your energy. And if that just means taking a long, hot shower, that's perfect. Whatever it is that makes you feel like you can just release the day, release that conversation, release that stuff. So again, beautiful grand trine in water. Amazing opportunity for deep connections, but also might bring up some intense emotion. Grand trines generally are gifts, they're blessings, but they also can be too much of something. You know, it's going to be short, it's going to be fleeting. I think it's just Tuesday into Wednesday, and then we're going to be moving on.

Veronica Perretti [00:13:56]:
But then we will have, the moon is going to be in cancer, which is creating that grand trine with Saturn and Pisces and Mercury and Scorpio. But then the moon's going to meet up with Mars, and I told you about Mars already, it's just going to be a little emotional, that the emotions are going to be heightened. And we're coming off a week where the emotions are heightened, so we all might just feel emotionally exhausted. We're going to find out. The other business going on this week is that we've got mercury Trine Saturn, with a grand trine. The nice thing about that is that when Mercury trines Saturn, we can dig really deep, work on something with focus. We can tend to the details, we can plan something that's going to really have legs. Mercury is in Scorpio, a sign where mercury likes to be really strategic.

Veronica Perretti [00:14:46]:
And Saturn likes us to create things that are going to last a long time. So that's good. The thing about mercury, Trine, Saturn and Sun Square Pluto is that all of that energy, which is all perfecting on Tuesday, is good for focused attention. If you really want to master something or really dig deep on something, it is a great week early in the week to do that. The other business that's happening this week is that on Thursday the 24th, we have Mars in cancer, sextiling Uranus. This can bring breakthroughs. This can really up your inspiration. It can really give you a kick of energy.

Veronica Perretti [00:15:32]:
All of that is awesome. All of that is delightful. But because we're already kind of exhausted from that full moon last week from all of this water. Calibrate your energy this week. Know that on Wednesday and Thursday you're probably going to feel a boost in energy. Calibrate your energy so you don't feel completely spent once the weekend comes. Because we are also entering the fourth quarter of the moon cycle. Thursday begins the last week of the moon cycle as we head toward the new moon.

Veronica Perretti [00:16:07]:
The new moon in Scorpio will be next week on Friday, November 1. As we head toward the new moon, we are in a period of letting go, of releasing of our energy, getting less and less as we near that new moon cycle. Make sure you're taking care of yourself energetically, physically, emotionally, spiritually. All the ways. All the ways. Yeah. Pay attention to the signs. Pay attention to the psychic impulses that you get this week.

Veronica Perretti [00:16:42]:
Pay attention to anything that's repeating because again, the veil is thin and spirit might have something to tell you. So I think that's all I got for you this week. It's a little shorter. I'm trying to make these tighter and then I ramble and I can't help myself sometimes. But I am excited to talk to you about Kamala Harris's solar return chart, which we will record and get out to you later this week and some other goodies before the election. So stay tuned for that. I'm going to do a bonus episode on the astrology of election day for both our candidates. Stay tuned for all the goodness.

Veronica Perretti [00:17:21]:
If you are not on my email list, you know that you should be, go over to veronicapiretti.com and you can sign up on the homepage and I will see you in your inbox and I'll talk to you here again later this week. All right, bye.