EP 182: Full Moon in Aries
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Veronica Perretti [00:00:00]:
Welcome back to the essential Astrocast. I am your host, Veronica Peretti, and I'm so happy to be back with you. We were not together last week because I was away. I went to jerks and caicos with my family. It was our first international trip with the baby, who is now 19 months old. It was great, except that it was really unusually hot and really, really just felt dehydrated for the entire week. So I'm really happy to be back in New York, where it is in the fifties or sixties. Today I get to wear a sweatshirt is delightful.
Veronica Perretti [00:00:40]:
I'm so happy it's fall. I'm so happy to be back and I'm so happy to be chatting with you because there is a lot happening this week. It is October 15, 2024, when I am recording this. Last week we had a little bit of a doozy of a week. We had two planets stationed, Jupiter and Pluto. This week we also have a pretty big week because we have a full moon in Aries, which we're going to get to shortly. Before I get into the astrology, I remind you that if you enjoy this podcast, please share it. Press the share button on your podcast app right now and send it to a friend that you think will enjoy it.
Veronica Perretti [00:01:21]:
You can text it to a friend, you can share it on your Instagram Stories, but share it with someone that you think will enjoy the podcast and who's interested in astrology and will get something out of it. It is really a tumultuous time that we're all living through right now. And my hope is that this information helps you ride the waves a little bit easier and to find a little bit more groundedness in your daily lives and to feel just more peace. When we are at peace and grounded, it ripples out to the people around us. So if each of us takes this few minutes in our week to reconnect with ourselves, to reconnect with the cosmic energy, to breathe a little bit deeper, my hope is the people in your life will feel it and the ripples stretch out from there. So with that said, let's all take a deep breath together and put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. If you are at home and safe and not in the car, you might even close your eyes and take a deep breath in, filling your belly, your ribs and your chest, and a full breath out. Okay, so as I said, last week we had Jupiter station retrograde and Pluto station direct.
Veronica Perretti [00:02:52]:
Jupiter stationed at 21 degrees. Gemini and Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn. For those familiar with your charts, you can look and see where those points are. Jupiter in Gemini has brought our attention to misinformation and disinformation in the collective, where people are getting their information, whether it be about the election or the hurricane, etcetera. And there's been tons of news stories about that and the real life implications of misinformation and disinformation being spread. And then we have Pluto bringing our attention to 29 degrees Capricorn. This is the last time that Pluto is stationing direct in the sign of Capricorn in our lifetimes. If you've been around here for a while, you've heard me talk about the Pluto return of the United States of America.
Veronica Perretti [00:03:40]:
Pluto takes about 248 years to go around the zodiac, which means that United States of America is about that old since July 4, 1776. So we've been going through our Pluto return for a few years. This is the last time that we will have Pluto and Capricorn in our lifetime. So we are living through historical and unprecedented times. That word seems to have lost its meaning, but it's really true. And the astrology backs that out from the perspective living through the first Pluto return of this country. Of course, we can look to other countries, and they've had many Pluto returns. So all of that is to say that our attention's being brought to something.
Veronica Perretti [00:04:23]:
You can suss out what your attention is being put on in the past week in your own life. The sections of your chart that house Gemini and Capricorn are where they were most present. So let's get into the astrology of this week. It is a sensitive one. We are really feeling like walking open wounds this week. And part of that is because we have a full moon in Aries, but there are a lot of aspects that are supporting that full moon and that are playing into that full moon that are adding to the sensitivity. So we have a big grand cross in the sky. Now, it's really a t square, but I'm going to throw Pluto in because it's close enough for me.
Veronica Perretti [00:05:13]:
So, for those astrology enthusiasts out there that understand orbs, Pluto might be a little bit wider. But I'm going to say, because he just turned direct and we're feeling his energy a little bit more intensely, I'm going to throw him in and say, this is a grand cross. So a grand cross means we have four planets, or at least four, and they're creating a cross in the sky. So there are basically two oppositions happening. We have the sun opposite the moon and the moon is next to chiron for this full moon, creating that cross in the sky. We have Mars opposite Pluto. So this is going to be very tense whenever you have Mars opposite Pluto. That is a war aspect.
Veronica Perretti [00:06:02]:
That is people getting really excited, rageful, angry, not being able to hold it in. A full moon occurs when the moon is exactly opposite the sun, because the moon reflects the light of the sun. But the moon, being with Chiron, conjoins Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer. Chiron shows us where our core wound lies. Chiron's been in Aries for quite some time, so all of us collectively have been working with understanding why we perhaps don't feel okay in who we are. Chiron in Aries is like the toddler that just has the temper tantrum. Like, just let me have what I want.
Veronica Perretti [00:06:58]:
Why can't I just have what I want? There's also, like, why am I being put down for being who I am? Aries is one of the most emotional zodiac signs. Often in astrology, the water signs get a really bad rap for being super sensitive. They're the criers, people think, but they have nothing on the fire signs. As a person with a whole lot of Aries in my chart, I can attest. So this week, a full moon in Aries is going to be emotional no matter what. But this one coming with this grand cross, coming with a conjunction to Chiron, it's just amping everything up to feel super duper sensitive. The other piece of this that's interesting is that Venus is in opposition to Uranus. The beginning of the week.
Veronica Perretti [00:07:46]:
Venus is at the end of Scorpio. That's also a sensitive point in the chart because Venus is the ruler of this season of Libra that we are currently in. We are in the season of Libra. The sun is in the sign of Libra, which is one of the two signs ruled by Venus. So we look to Venus because she's ruling the sun season, and she's at the very end of Scorpio, which is sensitive in and of itself. The end of Scorpio is that part of the chart where you're really processing and working through what you want to release, what you want to get rid of. Scorpio is the cosmic compost bin. It's where we put our trauma and drama, give it time, process it, and work through it in whatever way works for us.
Veronica Perretti [00:08:34]:
And you always want to look to your moon to see what ways of processing emotions works for you. If you are, you know, a fire moon, you might be a person that needs to get in your body. If you're a water moon, you might need to get in the bath. If you are an Earth moon, you might need to clean out the closet or do some work and put that energy toward productive use. If you are an air moon, you're going to talk it out. Go to therapy, write in the journal. Venus, opposite Uranus. Venus at the sensitive point at the end of Scorpio.
Veronica Perretti [00:09:11]:
Opposite Uranus, the changemaker, the revolutionary, the planet that forces us to go through the breakdown, to have the breakthrough, to experience freedom. Venus, opposite Uranus, is saying, change it up. Do it differently. Don't get stuck in your old ways, don't get stuck in the pattern. Don't get stuck in the emotional trauma and drama. Change it up, do it differently. Find a new way so you can have a different result. So much of what's going on this week, I think, is going to come back to our relationships, not only because it's Libra season, which means the sun is in Libra, the sign associated with relationships, partnerships, contracts, justice, equality, fairness.
Veronica Perretti [00:09:57]:
But also Venus being opposite Uranus is going to make us want to find a shift in the energy in our relationships. Now, of course, Venus rules our values. It rules everything that's important to us, as well as our money and our resources. So it might show up in other ways, but for many of us, our relationships, the people in our life, are the most important thing to us. So that's often why we come back to that being the prime topic when we talk about Venus. She's also going to be in a trine to Neptune this week. Monday through Thursday is all the action. And then the weekend is actually kind of nice.
Veronica Perretti [00:10:40]:
Venus will be in a trine to Neptune on Tuesday the 15th, which is when I'm recording this. That can be very healing, that can be very creative. If you utilize the energy well, you might be able to really find a shift, find a new angle, find a way to stop the pattern that is keeping you in one place and figure out a way out of it. That is what Venus, opposite Uranus wants us to do. Uranus is saying, get rid of that old pattern, get rid of that emotional spiral that you're in. And the trines in Neptune is saying, when you do it differently, it's going to be really healing for you. So this is the energy that's available to you. Doesn't mean it's going to play out like that, and doesn't mean that you're going to work with it like that, because, of course, we've got other things going on in the sky and you have other circumstances going on in your life.
Veronica Perretti [00:11:43]:
And the planets alone are not the only thing that are going to encourage the energy in your life. You're going to be reacting and responding and initiating things on a day to day basis, and you're not always going to think, oh, what about the astrology? You're just going to drop back into your usual emotional patterns because that's what we do, right? So when we work with a professional, with a therapist, when we work on ourselves, self coaching, when we bring more awareness to ourselves, that's when we start to create new patterns of awareness and behavior. But it's not that easy. So there are going to be moments this week that you are probably going to feel overwhelmed by emotion in some way because it's a full moon in Aries, and as I stated earlier, the fire signs are emotional. So let's get back to that full moon. In Aries, it is at 24 degrees Aries. So that means that the sun is at 24 degrees Libra and the moon is at 24 degrees Aries. And when we have a full moon, it means that the moon is exactly opposite the sun.
Veronica Perretti [00:12:59]:
The moon does not create its own light. We see the moon based on where it is in the sky in relationship to the sun. It reflects the light of the sun. So we are experiencing this full moon in the Libra and the Aries parts of our chart at 24 degrees. Now, the moon is only three degrees away from Chiron, and Chiron is the wounded healer, as I said earlier, who's been in Aries for quite some time and will continue to be there for quite some time. So we're all working on this experience of being okay with ourselves as individuals and knowing that we are okay as who we are. Not needing to change a thing. Of course, that is a lifelong thing, not just when Chiron is in Aries.
Veronica Perretti [00:13:45]:
It's a lifelong lesson for all of us, but it's something that. That we are being attentive to at this time. The full moon is creating a square to Mars. Now, this is what we call a t square moon, opposite sun, and they're both squaring Mars. That alone makes this very emotional. But then add in Chiron sitting next to the moon, it amps up that emotionality. Is that a word, emotionality? I think it is. All of that is to say that you might just be feeling a little bit like an open wound walking around in the world.
Veronica Perretti [00:14:24]:
Mars is in cancer. Mars does not like to be in cancer. He moved into cancer earlier this fall, and he is going to be in cancer until the spring. I know that is wild, but he's going to make a little dip into Leo, but he's going to retrograde and really be in cancer for a lot of our time until spring. And Mars in cancer is bringing our awareness to where we need to be nurtured, what we're needing, what we're wanting, what we're desiring, and giving us the tools to go out there and get it. And for a lot of us, cancer is going to hearken back to our family of origin. It's going to harken back to how we were nurtured as children and what we're needing now and maybe giving ourselves what we didn't get as children. So cancer holds the imprint of our family of origin, our ancestry, how we grew up, what feels like home.
Veronica Perretti [00:15:29]:
So this can be really loaded, and this full moon is bringing all of this stuff up. There might be a really loaded sense of importance this week around small actions. Little things might happen. Like, my husband did something in the airport yesterday, and I was like, it's a symptom of a larger problem. You don't attune to my needs. And then that became a larger conversation. And when I actually got a little quiet and heard what he was saying, I said, okay, I can do better about when I bring up these things. I can do better in not being in attack mode, because again, I have a lot of Aries in my chart.
Veronica Perretti [00:16:12]:
So attacking is my primary course of action, being open and willing to be in relationship, because it is Libra season, and it's not just about us. Even though all the Aries energy says it's me, it's me, it's me. It's about balancing me with we. And remember, we're finishing up eclipse season right now. This full moon kicks out eclipse season. This full moon is the end of an eclipse season. That was all about balancing the me with the we because it was an eclipse season where the nodes are in Aries and Libra. That is the balance that we were seeking.
Veronica Perretti [00:16:55]:
How do we maintain our individuality and our autonomy while still honoring the relationship and the partnership? How can we be in the partnership without losing ourselves? So that's the work that we've been doing. That's the energy that we've been trying to balance. Are we taking too much? Are we giving too much? Is there an energy exchange imbalance? Is there too much on one side and not enough on the other? Is one person really taking advantage of the other, these are all questions that we've been grappling with for this eclipse season, which has been the last six weeks or so. So we have those two eclipses. One was about two weeks ago and one two weeks before that. So really we've been working with this energy for about a month and a half or so. And now we finally get to say goodbye. For now, of course, we're going to be unpacking the eclipses over the coming weeks and months because eclipses take longer to make the lessons come to light.
Veronica Perretti [00:18:04]:
They take a little while to unpack, but at least we get to kick out this intensity of the eclipse energy. Hopefully this weekend you get a little bit of a break because after the full moon, we have Venus move into Sagittarius. Venus has been in Scorpio, which is intense. That makes us feel like we're in the muck and we're in the trenches and we're working through stuff. Venus goes into sag and it's like, yes, it's a party. Let's have some fun. Let's go out, let's have a good time, let's see some friends, let's watch a movie, let's kick back. It doesn't all have to be so serious.
Veronica Perretti [00:18:43]:
That is good news because the last few days of Libra season will be enjoyable. Because Venus will be in Sagittarius this weekend. We'll have a yod, which is a finger of God. A yod is an astrological aspect where something is faded. The yod will be with Uranus and the moon together in Taurus, which is where the moon is exalted. He'll be happy to be there. Remember, Uranus was opposite Venus on Monday. We feel that energy.
Veronica Perretti [00:19:11]:
Uranus is asking you to do something a little bit different. Don't fall back into those old emotional patterns. The moon will come to Uranus, reminding you of that story. The moon and Uranus will be sextailing Neptune. Venus was trining Neptune earlier in the week. So that will remind you about what came up with that and how to heal, how to work with the energy, how to be adaptable. They will both be in conjunct to the sun, which is the focal point of the Yod. So you can imagine the yod is a hebrew word for the finger of gods.
Veronica Perretti [00:19:46]:
Those planets being the hands and the pointer finger is pointing at the sun. And the sun is in Libra, illuminating our relationships, our values, our money, all the things that are important to us, our resources. So allowing ourselves to make choices that are fated when it comes to those things. Pay attention to the choices you make, particularly on Saturday the 19th, and prioritize your relationships. Prioritize the people that are important to you this weekend. You won't regret that with that yard in the sky. Okay, so that's all I got for you this week. I hope it's helpful.
Veronica Perretti [00:20:21]:
Let's do a little recap. I'll go through some of the main things you want to remember. On Monday, we had Venus opposite Uranus. Even though I'm recording this on Tuesday, you still might be feeling that energy if things were feeling like you had to take a different strategy on Monday. Or you have to take a different strategy in general. That could be the emphasis of Uranus opposite Venus. On Tuesday, Venus trined Neptune, encouraging you to use this opportunity to be creative and move toward healing. Okay.
Veronica Perretti [00:20:58]:
Also a great day to do the creative work. Thursday we have the full moon in Aries on the 17 October. And the full moon in Aries is at 24 degrees ariesenheid. The parts of your chart that have 24 degrees Libra and 24 degrees aries are particularly impacted. But you will also be feeling this in the parts of your chart that are around those degrees in cancer and Capricorn. Finally, after the full moon, we have Venus entering Sagittarius, making it a much nicer and more fun, more jovial, more joyous, more relaxed atmosphere in the sky. Particularly as we move into the weekend, the moon will be in Taurus, bringing attention to that energy of the Yod, which is creating a finger of God pointing at the sun in Libra, reminding us to really spend time on the things that are important to us and spend time with the people that are important to us this weekend. So most importantly, remember that this week is intense.
Veronica Perretti [00:22:10]:
That grand cross in the sky with the full moon, Mars opposite Pluto, chiron involved being close to the moon. It's intense. Everybody is going to feel like they're walking around as an open wound. So take your time, give yourself deep breaths, ground your energy, and most importantly, give yourself grace. And be really kind to yourself. Because when you're kind to yourself, it's easier to be kind to others. It's easier to have compassion for others when you give yourself compassion first. That's all I got.
Veronica Perretti [00:22:44]:
I'll talk to you soon. Bye.