EP 180: Between Eclipses
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Veronica Perretti [00:00:00]:
Welcome back to the essential Astrocast. I'm Veronica Perretti. I'm your host, and this is the podcast where I give you the essential astrology so that you can tune into what's going on in the heavens and therefore use that knowledge of that energy to dictate your fate down here on earth. So last week, lots happening. Guess what? This week, lots happening. We are in between the eclipses. This can often feel like we are in limbo. We are in the vortex.
Veronica Perretti [00:00:37]:
We're in this place where it might feel like time is malleable. Moments that are short feel long, and moments that are long feel short. Eclipse season can just kind of play games with us, almost like there's an illusion of time. Anyway, we're between the eclipses. We had that full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces last week. Now, that eclipse was very much about feeling, because Pisces is a water sign. Pisces is associated with all things ethereal, all things that are beyond our ability to really see. There are the things that are just known deep within us, part of our wisdom, our inner knowing, our connection to spirit.
Veronica Perretti [00:01:31]:
So last week was a lot about feeling, and I talked a lot about being in your body and grounding your body so that you could connect to spirit. When we feel connected to Earth, it is much easier to connect to spirit. It is much easier to connect with our inner wisdom. And that is why people feel good when they finish a yoga class, because they have that time of connecting with their body and rooting themselves into the earth, because our bodies are earthbound. And then you have this ability to feel connected to something bigger than yourself. You get to tune out of your individual consciousness and tune into the collective consciousness that we're all a part of this week. Mercury is the one who's talking to all the planets. He's actually having conversations with the same planets that the sun conversed with last week.
Veronica Perretti [00:02:32]:
So you might feel like you're going through the same ebb and flow. We started the week kind of feeling in the fog, and then we experienced a sense of focus and clarity as the week went on. You might ride that same roller coaster this week where you go into the fog, and then you feel a little bit more grounded, a little bit more clarity as we move toward the end of the week. So what's nice about this Mercury, you know, being the main orchestra, he's the conductor of the orchestra this week. So he's the one that's talking to all the planets, and he is in the late degrees of Virgo. So he is still in his sign of exaltation. Mercury not only rules Virgo, he loves to be in Virgo. It is his favorite place to be.
Veronica Perretti [00:03:28]:
So you can imagine Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. Virgo is like. It's like he has two homes, and one of them is just his favorite, you know? So it's like, if you have two homes, if you are snowbird and you live half the year in the northeast and you live half the year in Florida, one of them is probably going to be your favorite. So Mercury isn't his favorite home. He is in Virgo, where he just feels extra special, super powered, and able to do anything. He really can focus. He can be discerning. He can see things from different perspectives, but also take action, put things together, figure out the puzzle.
Veronica Perretti [00:04:14]:
If you are trying to make order out of chaos in your life, this is probably Mercury and Virgo's influence. If, like me, you've been doing a lot of cleaning up, cleaning out, that could be the eclipse, but it also could be that Mercury's in Virgo, and it just makes us feel good to create order out of chaos. Mercury is in those late degrees of Virgo, the mutable Earth sign, creating a grand trine with two other planets in Earth signs. So there's a giant triangle in the sky being created by Mercury in Virgo, Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn, and Uranus at 27 degrees Taurus. So this grand trine in Earth is going to be a grounding energy. It's going to make us feel very capable of making things happen in this material plane, in this tangible realm. So if you feel like you're kicking off the week and you're really getting at your to do list or able to get some chores done, I mean, I spent this whole past weekend just doing laundry, cleaning up, organizing. I just really felt that energy of getting things in order.
Veronica Perretti [00:05:37]:
And if you feel that, it could be this grand Earth trine, but opposite Mercury is Neptune. So while he is in a trine to Pluto, which is that planet of transformation, destruction for the sake of rebirth. And Uranus, our change maker, our rebel, the one who likes to stir it up, he is managing the conversations with those two. They're all having a nice time, a nice, harmonious chat, because they're all in earth signs. But then, opposite Mercury is Neptune, and Neptune is in Pisces still. He's at 28 degrees Pisces, and he's just like, you got to drop out of all of that spreadsheets and drop out of the overthinking. And just be in the flow. So Nebtune is like, this is how you're going to make it happen.
Veronica Perretti [00:06:40]:
This is how you're going to get to where you want to go. It's not by making another list or putting something in the reminders app or creating another Google spreadsheet. It's going to be surrendering. So when we surrender to the flow, it all comes together. That is what Neptune is telling Mercury in this conversation with these other two planets on Earth. So being in the flow means not controlling the agenda, not being attached to the result. And we learned that in yoga philosophy. Probably the most famous part of the Gita is when Krishna tells Arjuna that he, to live his dharma, he has to do the work that he was born to do, which was be a warrior and be unattached or detached from the results, because he's living his purpose.
Veronica Perretti [00:07:39]:
He's living his dharma. And I'm not saying that you should be detached from all the results of your work, but I am saying that the lesson in the Gita is to be in the process, be in the flow, show up to do your job, whatever that is. Show up to live your purpose in that situation, that relationship, that job. And don't be so controlling of the outcome, because the truth is we can't control the outcome, right? So very, there are very few times in life where we control all the variables. You know, we don't control the variables of other people and their desires and their work ethic. We don't control the variables of the weather. We don't control the variables of the unforeseen circumstances, the train being late, there being road work, whatever it is. So this week, yes, utilize this Mercury in Virgo to create order, to enjoy the process of creating that order.
Veronica Perretti [00:08:53]:
But surrender to being in the flow. Surrender the results of that work. Offer it up to the gods, offer it up to the cosmos, offer it up to the planets. Do with this what you will, and we'll see what happens, because we're in eclipse season and we don't have control. And the thing about eclipse season is that it's an opportunity to step back, reflect, and watch how things are playing out. So often when we think about communication, Mercury is the planet associated with self expression, communication, the brain, our thoughts, how we learn, how we take in information. But when we think about communication, we often think about how we are going to express ourselves. And you see that with people often who are in a conversation, and you can tell that they're not really listening, they're thinking about what their response is going to be.
Veronica Perretti [00:09:55]:
But that's not good communication. Good communication is being fully present to listening to what the other person is saying, and then you respond to what they actually said, not what you're expecting them to say. So I think what I'm trying to get at is that this week with Neptune being the opposite, mercury involved in what we call a kite in astrology, that's the aspect pattern. It's a surrendering of your control of the situation, surrendering of your agenda. And by the way, we're doing that anyway because it's eclipse season and we always surrender our agenda. We always let go of intention setting and manifesting. We just let the eclipses be the magic and let ourselves be open and curious to what that magic has in store for us. So that's what's going on with mercury.
Veronica Perretti [00:10:54]:
I'll go through each of the DS, but I just wanted to give you the broad strokes, the overview. First. We're in between the eclipses. As I said, the full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces was about feeling, that was about assimilation, that was about digesting or processing how you're feeling. That was the opening, because that was our first eclipse in Pisces that we've had in nine years. So the eclipses, you may remember this from last time, but I'll repeat it because it's worth repeating. Eclipses generally follow this 18 year cycle. So it'll take 18, really 18 and a half, 19 years for the north node to come back to Aries.
Veronica Perretti [00:11:45]:
That's where the north node is right now, and the south node is in Libra. We had that full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces because the full moon was so close to the north node in Aries. So while the nodes are still in Aries Libra, we got a little taste, we got a little preview, we got a little taster, a trailer, if you will, of what the Pisces Virgo eclipses will be like when the nodes move into Pisces and Virgo, which is going to happen in the next few months. So that was what that eclipse was about. It was an opening. This eclipse is a closing. The eclipse we're going to have next week is a closing because the new moon solar eclipse in Libra is going to be about liberation, freeing yourself from the old patterns in your relationships. Be your spouse, your partner, but it can be friends, it can be family, it can be coworkers, it can be any relationship.
Veronica Perretti [00:12:52]:
Libra is ruler of all relationships, particularly one on one partnerships, but certainly relationships at large are going to be under the microscope with this eclipse. So we'll talk about it more next week. That while the Pisces eclipse was an opening up, the Libra eclipse is going to be a closing because that's going to be the last eclipse we have in Libra until 2033. So more on that next week. But Mercury really, he is the orchestra. He is the conductor of the orchestra of the planets this week. We know that he's talking to everyone. Let's go through the days in terms of Mercury's transit so you have a little bit of an idea of how they're going to feel.
Veronica Perretti [00:13:41]:
I'm recording this on Monday the 23 September. Today the moon is out of bounds. I don't talk about this a lot, but out of bounds is really interesting. When we talk about astrology, we're often talking about the astrology based on longitude. But when we look at the declination of the planets, meaning how north or south they are of the ecliptic, we look at the latitude. And so when we look at that, we see whether planets are out of bounds or not. Planets can only be out of bounds in Gemini and sag or cancer, Capricorn. So the moon is out of bounds in Gemini on Monday, which can feel a little wacky.
Veronica Perretti [00:14:26]:
You might feel like your brain is all over the place. Your feelings are all over the place. The thing with out of bounds planets is that they can also feel like a superpower. It can also feel like, wow, I'm effectively multitasking. That is not possible, but I'm doing it. Or you might just feel like you're able to manage a lot of things. Or you might feel like, gosh, I'm really spacey, but I'm having some super amazing creative ideas. So those are ways that you might be feeling with the moon out of bounds on Monday, which is when I'm recording this, I will say I'm really proud of myself for recording this podcast on Monday the past two weeks.
Veronica Perretti [00:15:08]:
I don't know what it is about this eclipse season, but it's getting me back on track and I am here for it. So that is Monday, Tuesday the 24 September. We have Mercury trining Uranus. So the thing with Mercury trining Uranus is that it is an invitation to lean into innovative ideas and new perspectives. So you might be feeling that creative juice flowing throughout this week. Because, remember, just because it perfects on Tuesday doesn't mean that you're not feeling these transits a few days before and a few days after. And because Mercury is talking to all these planets. It's all one cohesive energy that's being created by mercury.
Veronica Perretti [00:15:57]:
Mercury, then on the 25th, will be opposed to Neptune. And that is when you might feel like your head is in the clouds and you just have to surrender to the flow again. Might feel that before that day, might feel that after that day. On the 26th, we have a very different energy. We have mercury trining Pluto, which is an invitation to really dial into your strategy, dial into your focus. So because all these things are happening within the same three day range, they might cancel each other out. You might have moments of feeling a little spacey, and you might have moments of feeling really focused, or maybe it all comes together and works together in that grand shrine, and you're just able to have the best of both worlds, being creative and being focused. Then on Thursday, Mercury enters Libra.
Veronica Perretti [00:16:50]:
So after all of those transits, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, while he is in the late degrees of Virgo, he'll move into Libra on Thursday the 26th. That will be in the early in the morning. So really, most of the day Thursday, you'll be having that new energy of mercury in Libra, which means that we're moving away from being concerned with productivity and practicality and order, and we're moving into being concerned with connection and how we're communicating and how we're expressing ourselves and how other people are expressing themselves to us. Much more dialogue, much more connection, because Libra is, of course, an air sign. So the mind is going to shift from tangible results to more about connection. What's interesting is that the sun is already in Libra, of course, and we had the sun enter Libra on Sunday. We had our fall equinox. Okay, so last Sunday, we had the fall equinox begin when the sun entered the sign of Libra, and now mercury will join the sun in the sign of Libra.
Veronica Perretti [00:18:01]:
So I just wanted to mention that the ingress of a season tells you a lot about what that season is going to be like. And Libra is, of course, ruled by the sign Venus. And Venus was at 29 degrees, the last degree of Libra, squaring Pluto at 29 degrees, the last degree of Capricorn, when the sun entered Libra. That basically means that this Libra season is going to be a season about challenging your relational patterns, the patterns that you have in your relationships, upholding your boundaries, and perhaps resisting people pleasing if it sacrifices your joy, your peace, your sense of autonomy or individuality, all the same things that we've been working on since this series of eclipses began in this axis of Aries Libra, which was began back in April of 2023. So when we had that Aries eclipse, April 20, 2023, you started this cycle of releasing the people pleasing, releasing the resistance to upholding your boundaries, releasing, letting other people not respect your boundaries, any pattern in relationship that was making you feel not valued, not like you had your autonomy, not like you had your individuation. Those things are being released because the south node is in Libra and the north node is in Aries. And Aries is the ultimate individual. Libra is about partnering with the other.
Veronica Perretti [00:19:50]:
Aries is about standing in your own 2ft. So whatever we have eclipses in this axis of your chart, you're going to be balancing those two things. How can I be in relationship without sacrificing myself? That is what this Libra season is about. Because that Venus Square Pluto, we are definitely working with that Venus Square Pluto can also be money, can also be values. But of course, those go back to the same idea of what's important to us, so not sacrificing what's important to us because of someone else's influence. So that is what we're working with this Libra season. In my opinion, that makes perfect sense because we're going to have this solar eclipse next week in Libra, which will be the last one with the south node in Libra. And this week we're going to have a little taster of that before this week is out, because on Sunday, very early Sunday, right after the clock turns to Sunday on the east coast.
Veronica Perretti [00:20:54]:
So it might be really feel like Saturday, particularly for those of you on the west coast of the US. The sun is going to conjoin the south node at six degrees Libra and illuminate this spot in the sky where he's about to meet up with the moon and have his new moon in Libra solar eclipse next week. So we are going to start feeling the energy of that clips pretty intensely as we get into the weekend. So I'm talking September 28 and 29th. We're going to feel the lead up to that eclipse. We're going to get clues as to what needs to be released. This is going to be a wonderful weekend to do some work around releasing, you know, of course we're not doing manifestation, we're not putting our agenda on the eclipse, but just wanted to say there might be some, some stuff might be coming up that needs to be let go of. On Monday the 30th, we'll have Mars, Trine, Saturn, and that is a really, that can be fortifying, that can be affirming because that's like, let's work on something diligently.
Veronica Perretti [00:22:09]:
And with diligent work, we can make it happen. You also will have the sun join mercury on that day for the mercury cazemi, which is always a purification of mercury and that moment of polarity of consciousness. So Monday, I really like astrologically the 30th, but of course we're still in between the eclipses, so you never know what could happen. All of that is to say that this is a week that is a lot of mercury energy. So pay attention to what people are saying. Pay attention to the messages that you're getting. Pay attention to the things that you hear. Notice if you hear something more than once, if you hear it two or three times, definitely listen up.
Veronica Perretti [00:22:55]:
And remember that communication is as much about listening as it is about talking. So really try to listen actively this week and truly be present as you're listening before you respond to the person that you're communicating with. So that's what I got for you this week. I hope it's helpful. As always, you know where to find me. Make sure that you're on my email list. Go to veronicapiretti.com to sign up. We've got some fun stuff going on.
Veronica Perretti [00:23:28]:
We do the new moon ritual every month over in cosmic yoga club. If you're not interested in being a part of cosmic yoga club but you would like to do the new moon ritual. The new moon ritual, not the full moon ritual, but the new moon ritual is open for drop ins. So you can go to my website and go to the events page, veronicapretti.com events and sign up for the next restorative new moon Ritual which will be for the eclipse and that will be on Sunday, October 6. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.