Courage in the face of fear

Courage in the face of fear


We are blessed this week to have one of the most benevolent and fertile New Moons of the year. The New Moon in Leo helps you shine on the stage of your own choosing. Leo inspires you to express your unique identity through your creativity. Mars square Saturn creates an inner struggle of wanting to take action and doubting yourself. This New Moon in Leo implores you to have courage in the face of fear. 1:27 - Mercury trine Mars and the Sun conjunct Mercury on Monday provide motivation and clarity 4:56 - New Moon in Leo on Tuesday, an invitation to be courageous in the face of fear 7:37 - Venus trine Uranus bringing some welcome changes in your relationships 10:09 - Mars square Saturn bringing up doubt and fear 13:27 - Wednesday, Mercury moves into Virgo and the return of practicality 16:52 - Saturday the Sun moves into Virgo, channel your creative energy into something that has a purpose and is of service to others 20:16 - Mars squares Saturn next week amplifying our internal struggle 22:28 - The mantra I’m giving my yoga students to work with this week, Sat Nam 25:37 - Moon signs for the week After you listen to this episode, here are your next steps: ● Join the Online Yoga Club - details at ● To support the podcast and become a Luminary head to ● Book a reading with me at ● Find me on Instagram at ● If you are a podcaster and are interested in the team who helps me produce this podcast, check them out at

We are blessed this week to have one of the most benevolent and fertile New Moons of the year. The New Moon in Leo helps you shine on the stage of your own choosing. Leo inspires you to express your unique identity through your creativity. Mars square Saturn creates an inner struggle of wanting to take action and doubting yourself. This New Moon in Leo implores you to have courage in the face of fear.

1:27 - Mercury trine Mars and the Sun conjunct Mercury on Monday provide motivation and clarity

4:56 - New Moon in Leo on Tuesday, an invitation to be courageous in the face of fear

7:37 - Venus trine Uranus bringing some welcome changes in your relationships

10:09 - Mars square Saturn bringing up doubt and fear

13:27 - Wednesday, Mercury moves into Virgo and the return of practicality

16:52 - Saturday the Sun moves into Virgo, channel your creative energy into something that has a purpose and is of service to others

20:16 - Mars squares Saturn next week amplifying our internal struggle

22:28 - The mantra I’m giving my yoga students to work with this week, Sat Nam

25:37 - Moon signs for the week

After you listen to this episode, here are your next steps:

● Join the Online Yoga Club - details at

● To support the podcast and become a Luminary head to

● Book a reading with me at

● Find me on Instagram at

● If you are a podcaster and are interested in the team who helps me produce this podcast, check them out at