North Node moves to Gemini and challenges our beliefs

North Node moves to Gemini and challenges our beliefs


I am excited about the big shift in energy this week. It’s going to present us with opportunities to examine how we view things.  We may also feel some discomfort as we are dealing with some repressed emotions.  But at the same time, it will give us an opportunity to learn how to express ourselves and work on our relationship with ourselves.  1:39 -  What happened last week and how that’s impacting this week 7:10 - The nodes are shifting signs - why this is an incredible opportunity for us to examine how we view things 15:50 - How we are affected by the north node moving into Gemini 20:05 - The full moon on Thursday will give us an opportunity to sort out some underlying emotions 23:38 - The moon moves in to Sagittarius on Friday helping things to lighten up a bit 24:34 - Mercury trines Pluto on Saturday giving us the opportunity to focus 25:36 - The moon moves into Capricorn on Sunday, which could bring some good news 27:09 - Mercury moves into Gemini on Monday and what this means for our week 28:23 - A peek into next Tuesday and Wednesday 31:10 - Why this is a great time to sign up to join the Luminary League After you listen to this episode, here are your next steps: ● If you are interested in learning more about astrology, check out the Luminary League at ● Can’t make it to the yoga studio? Join our online group yoga - details at ● Book a reading with me at ● Find me on Instagram at

I am excited about the big shift in energy this week. It’s going to present us with opportunities to examine how we view things.  We may also feel some discomfort as we are dealing with some repressed emotions.  But at the same time, it will give us an opportunity to learn how to express ourselves and work on our relationship with ourselves. 

1:39 -  What happened last week and how that’s impacting this week

7:10 - The nodes are shifting signs - why this is an incredible opportunity for us to examine how we view things

15:50 - How we are affected by the north node moving into Gemini

20:05 - The full moon on Thursday will give us an opportunity to sort out some underlying emotions

23:38 - The moon moves in to Sagittarius on Friday helping things to lighten up a bit

24:34 - Mercury trines Pluto on Saturday giving us the opportunity to focus

25:36 - The moon moves into Capricorn on Sunday, which could bring some good news

27:09 - Mercury moves into Gemini on Monday and what this means for our week

28:23 - A peek into next Tuesday and Wednesday

31:10 - Why this is a great time to sign up to join the Luminary League

After you listen to this episode, here are your next steps:

● If you are interested in learning more about astrology, check out the Luminary

League at

● Can’t make it to the yoga studio? Join our online group yoga - details at

● Book a reading with me at

● Find me on Instagram at