Are you up for the challenge?

Are you up for the challenge?


This week we continue to be in the ocean of the unknown - aka, Pisces season. With the Sun and Neptune meeting up this weekend, the confusion and illusions will be illuminated, and perhaps exacerbated. That means you have to hold your center and ground your energy. It will be a challenge, but I know you're up for it. Listen in for tips on things you can do to maintain your equilibrium this week, as well as the details on Mercury retrograde, Venus moving into her home sign of Taurus, and the Full Moon in Virgo! Want more astro-guidance to sink your teeth into right now? Download the Real Sign Guide to learn ways to maximize your unique planetary superpowers and discover your Real Housewife archetype. Become a member of the Luminary League and get my exclusive New Moon Essential Astrocast and a LIVE Full Moon workshop every month. And you can book a personal astrology reading too!

This week we continue to be in the ocean of the unknown - aka, Pisces season. With the Sun and Neptune meeting up this weekend, the confusion and illusions will be illuminated, and perhaps exacerbated. That means you have to hold your center and ground your energy. It will be a challenge, but I know you're up for it. Listen in for tips on things you can do to maintain your equilibrium this week, as well as the details on Mercury retrograde, Venus moving into her home sign of Taurus, and the Full Moon in Virgo!

Want more astro-guidance to sink your teeth into right now? Download the Real Sign Guide to learn ways to maximize your unique planetary superpowers and discover your Real Housewife archetype.

Become a member of the Luminary League and get my exclusive New Moon Essential Astrocast and a LIVE Full Moon workshop every month.

And you can book a personal astrology reading too!