Do you believe in yourSELF?

Do you believe in yourSELF?


This week Pisces season kicks off and our emotions may be running hyper-sensitive. Pisces invites us to understand the connection between our individual self and the collective cosmic SELF. If you've been neglecting your spirit, this next 30 days will inspire you to reconnect with your faith, your ideals, and your beliefs. Make space for meditation, therapy, hot baths, good cries, and deep journaling sessions. Pisces inspires our creative juices to flow. Allow yourself to dream big and all those planets in Capricorn will help you put the work in to get there.  Want more astro-guidance to sink your teeth into right now? Download the Real Sign Guide to learn ways to maximize your unique planetary superpowers and discover your Real Housewife archetype. Become a member of the Luminary League and get my exclusive New Moon Essential Astrocast and a LIVE Full Moon workshop every month. And you can book a personal astrology reading too!

This week Pisces season kicks off and our emotions may be running hyper-sensitive. Pisces invites us to understand the connection between our individual self and the collective cosmic SELF. If you've been neglecting your spirit, this next 30 days will inspire you to reconnect with your faith, your ideals, and your beliefs. Make space for meditation, therapy, hot baths, good cries, and deep journaling sessions. Pisces inspires our creative juices to flow. Allow yourself to dream big and all those planets in Capricorn will help you put the work in to get there. 

Want more astro-guidance to sink your teeth into right now? Download the Real Sign Guide to learn ways to maximize your unique planetary superpowers and discover your Real Housewife archetype.

Become a member of the Luminary League and get my exclusive New Moon Essential Astrocast and a LIVE Full Moon workshop every month.

And you can book a personal astrology reading too!