A cosmically blessed Christmas

A cosmically blessed Christmas


We're experiencing a cosmically blessed Christmas! Why? Well, late on Christmas Day we'll be experiencing the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. What's that mean? Well, a Solar Eclipse is like a new moon on steroids, and this one is conjunct Jupiter! Coincidentally, I like to call Jupiter the Santa Claus of the zodiac, you may have heard me say that on the Essential Astrocast before, and this year he truly is!  Want more astro-guidance to sink your teeth into right now? Download the Real Sign Guide to learn ways to maximize your unique planetary superpowers and discover your Real Housewife archetype. Become an Essential Astrology member and get my exclusive New Moon Essential Astrocast and a LIVE Full Moon workshop every month. And you can book a personal astrology reading too!

We're experiencing a cosmically blessed Christmas! Why? Well, late on Christmas Day we'll be experiencing the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. What's that mean? Well, a Solar Eclipse is like a new moon on steroids, and this one is conjunct Jupiter! Coincidentally, I like to call Jupiter the Santa Claus of the zodiac, you may have heard me say that on the Essential Astrocast before, and this year he truly is! 

Want more astro-guidance to sink your teeth into right now? Download the Real Sign Guide to learn ways to maximize your unique planetary superpowers and discover your Real Housewife archetype.

Become an Essential Astrology member and get my exclusive New Moon Essential Astrocast and a LIVE Full Moon workshop every month.

And you can book a personal astrology reading too!