Do you feel like you're just treading water?

Do you feel like you're just treading water?


This week we are literally caught between a rock and a hard place. The rock being Monday when the Sun squares Saturn and the hard place being Sunday when the Sun squares Pluto! These two planets in the sign of Capricorn are encouraging us to lean into the deep shifts happening in our lives. You might feel like nothing is happening; that you're stuck treading water, not moving forward. This happens whenever we have challenging Saturn aspects, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Lean into the hard work and trust that the transformation is in progress.  Become an Essential Astrology member and get my exclusive New Moon Essential Astrocast and a LIVE Full Moon workshop, just for members. Want more astro-guidance to sink your teeth into right now? Download the Real Sign Guide to learn ways to maximize your unique planetary superpowers and discover your Real Housewife archetype. And of course, you can book a personal astrology reading too!

This week we are literally caught between a rock and a hard place. The rock being Monday when the Sun squares Saturn and the hard place being Sunday when the Sun squares Pluto! These two planets in the sign of Capricorn are encouraging us to lean into the deep shifts happening in our lives. You might feel like nothing is happening; that you're stuck treading water, not moving forward. This happens whenever we have challenging Saturn aspects, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Lean into the hard work and trust that the transformation is in progress. 

Become an Essential Astrology member and get my exclusive New Moon Essential Astrocast and a LIVE Full Moon workshop, just for members.

Want more astro-guidance to sink your teeth into right now? Download the Real Sign Guide to learn ways to maximize your unique planetary superpowers and discover your Real Housewife archetype.

And of course, you can book a personal astrology reading too!