Pluto is digging up your secrets

Pluto is digging up your secrets


We've had a bevy of Libra planets squaring Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn revealing information and digging up our secrets. This week Pluto stations to start moving forward after a retrograde season that started April 24th. This week will be marked by Pluto's intensity and desire to uncover the skeletons in the closet. It's no wonder Halloween is around the corner!  Become an Essential Astrology member and get my exclusive New Moon Essential Astrocast and a LIVE Full Moon workshop, just for members. Want more astro-guidance to sink your teeth into right now? Download the Real Sign Guide to learn ways to maximize your unique planetary superpowers and discover your Real Housewife archetype. And of course, you can book a personal astrology reading too!

We've had a bevy of Libra planets squaring Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn revealing information and digging up our secrets. This week Pluto stations to start moving forward after a retrograde season that started April 24th. This week will be marked by Pluto's intensity and desire to uncover the skeletons in the closet. It's no wonder Halloween is around the corner! 

Become an Essential Astrology member and get my exclusive New Moon Essential Astrocast and a LIVE Full Moon workshop, just for members.

Want more astro-guidance to sink your teeth into right now? Download the Real Sign Guide to learn ways to maximize your unique planetary superpowers and discover your Real Housewife archetype.

And of course, you can book a personal astrology reading too!